Enhanced geothermal systems can provide clean energy in areas where conventional geothermal systems are not viable. This Review discusses energy production through these systems and the technological developments that could enable its future expansion.
I understand the scales involved. Hence my pointing out that it probably doesn’t matter, but I would rather ask and be mocked then never ask and potentially have it fuck us over later. No harm in double checking man.
I think you’re not understanding how billionaires work. If energy gets cheap enough, the next Elon Musk will probably try to desolonate an ocean or change the Earth’s rotation to get more sunlight through their favorite window in winter.
Yeah but this is just like, not understanding the scales and orders of magnitude we’re talking about here.
I understand the scales involved. Hence my pointing out that it probably doesn’t matter, but I would rather ask and be mocked then never ask and potentially have it fuck us over later. No harm in double checking man.
Edit: spelling
No, this is a hold my beer kind of thing.
Give me unlimited energy from the molten core of the earth and I will fuck around and find out.
I think you’re not understanding how billionaires work. If energy gets cheap enough, the next Elon Musk will probably try to desolonate an ocean or change the Earth’s rotation to get more sunlight through their favorite window in winter.
Like I read somewhere else on lemmy: “We have like 7 Lex Luthors and no Superman”
LOL, talk about scale…
Look at Earth from space. The atmosphere is the paint on a marble, the rest is almost all core.
Lemmy: But we might use it all up!!!
And never mind how and why it’s hot.