• @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world
    242 months ago

    No it wasn’t racial. At least not at that scale on the Dem side. It’s even simpler.

    The candidates this round were all terrible options, from beginning to end. Trump was always going to be the Republican nominee, and Biden/Harris for the Dems. No one else was ever going to even be considered.

    The Rep messaging was “shit is fucked, we’ll fix it”. That’s a lie of course, they have no plan to actually fix anything, their plans are to make it all and help the oligarchs as usual. But their messaging at least acknowledged the issues most people were feeling.

    The Dem messaging boiled down to “it’s not that bad”. Which is objectively correct, but not what 90% of people felt. They ignored what real people were feeling entirely, so why should they vote for a party that won’t even acknowledge that fundamental issues exist?

    • @Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world
      92 months ago

      I have to disagree.

      Even if you are right on the Dem messaging (and I’m willing to concede that point to some degree), then your conclusion would make sense against a more traditional Republican candidate. But the problem is that this is Trump, who was campaigning on actively making everything worse. Like he and Musk were outright telling people they were going to “inflict hardship”. Staying home knowing you’re de-facto allowing Trump to return to power after that campaign is a case of knowing that you are about to shoot yourself in the foot, pulling the trigger anyway, then reloading the shotgun when you realize you missed some toes.

      And I do believe that it was almost entirely racially motivated. First, much like I said above, the other excuses given don’t make sense because Trump was an objectively worse option on every subject. Not just status quo. Worse. By far. You’re against Biden and Harris’s support for Israel, so you’re gonna vote for the guy who wants to basically glass Gaza for funzies? You think the economy sucks, so you’re going to vote for the guy randomly slinging around tariffs and telling you to expect years of hardship? None of it makes sense.

      But think of how many cultures that exist in our society that are incredibly patriarchal. Some people from the middle east, for example. I know a lot of bigoted Latino people who would never consider a woman his equal, and many in the Latino community are distrustful of cops. No chance in hell you’re going to get them to vote for a former prosecutor at all, let alone a black and/or female one. You have some of these religious sects where the man is the head of the family and makes all the decisions. And there are plenty of racist Democrats. They just don’t wear it as a badge of honor like Republicans do these days. Look at it this way. Diversity initiatives across the country are basically being treated like battery acid right now, and I don’t exactly see a whole hell of a lot of Democrats standing up to defend them. Why did nobody care when literally dozens of prominent Republicans endorsed Harris, but suddenly lost their collective shit when Liz Cheney did? Gee, I wonder what makes her different from all of the other prominent Republicans. Why is it that after screaming for months about “Old man bad” and demanding that Democrats don’t put up another old white guy, the first thing they did was immediately forget about age and throw their support behind an even older white guy as soon as Harris was at the top of the ticket?

      I stand firm in my belief that it was racially motivated. Age wasn’t the problem; they were OK with Bernie Sanders. The messaging wasn’t the problem. Again, she and Bernie Sanders support the same policies even if Sanders is more ambitious about getting there. The people had no problems with the message. They just didn’t like the messenger. I wonder what separates her from the other two guys…ohhhh.

      • @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world
        142 months ago

        Not gonna really bother reading past the first couple sentences, it’s the same shit people post all the time that relies on flawed assumptions of the average person. It assumes that most people have the time to learn facts and properly weigh them for conclusions. And that’s assuming they even want to pay attention to anything remotely related to politics.

        Most Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Many work multiple jobs. They do not have the time to spend educating themselves about these topics. Most people scroll social media and maybe watch an hour of news before bed. They are 100% reliant on messaging from social media, friends, and news organizations to do most of the analysis for them and tell them what the takeaway is for complicated situations.

        Now combine that lack of both desire and time to research, with 40+ years of targeted propaganda from the likes of Fox News distorting basic definitions about words like fascism, socialism, etc. and outright lying about the facts to push a narrative with the exact opposite explanation of reality. Right wing media has been saying the exact thing Democrats started warning people about, but they have been doing it for decades and saying it was the Dems. So those words are meaningless to the average person now, because they’ve been getting disinformation shoved down their throat for so long that the effect has been diluted and defined incorrectly.