• @niktemadur@lemmy.world
    692 months ago

    i’M tOo LaZy To bE bOtHeReD WiTh BaSiC CiVic DuTy, So i BeLiEvE aNyOnE oNLinE wHo TeLLs Me ThAt bOTh ParTiEs ArE tHe SaMe LoL aMiRiTe? LoL_!!!_ 🤣🤣🤣
    i’M sO pUrE!!! 😇🤪🤩

    Millions of self-destructively lazy, stupid mediocre people shouted in unison (again):
    Vote for a woman? When PIGS fly!!!

    Or if Biden had remained in the race:
    sLeePy JoE! LoL!

    • deaf_fish
      2 months ago

      I mean you can exist in this world if you want to. It is more fun than the truth which is sad and boring.

      Most people really do care and have good intentions, but are too overworked and too uneducated to pull apart the propaganda that’s being pushed to them 24/7.

      The oligarchs didn’t win when Trump got elected the second time. The won when they got control over the media. That was a while back.

    • @SuperSaiyanSwag@lemmy.zip
      22 months ago

      Stupidity and ignorance are way too widespread. It should not take a genius to figure out that trump and the GOP are pretty much against the working class. I’m not saying democrats are saints, but at least Biden tried to cancel student loan debt, and somehow that got looked at negatively??!?