meme made by me using free libre open source software aka Gnu Image Manipulation Program (ak… aka GIMP) uwu

(Lemmy original meme fr)

    -22 months ago

    He’s an imbecile and knows nothing about tech. I watched him interconnect buildings then run Windows file transfer to test it. You know, instead of a legitimate tool like iperf. He constantly gets shit wrong about linux as others pointed out. Videos I saw on Android TV boxes were also extremely inaccurate so he could push Google’s product. Like literally everything he does with linux and android is dumb as fuck. I thought at least he was accurate with the gaming industry videos as I don’t know enough about it. But then that gamernexus video dropped and I was like holy shit… this guy can’t do anything right.

      2 months ago

      I watched him interconnect buildings then run Windows file transfer to test it.

      If you’re mainly going to use a network connection to transfer files between Windows computers, then transferring files between Windows computers is going to be the most accurate benchmark possible.

        2 months ago

        If you’re testing throughput of a network then you use a tool that tests throughput. Want to know why he didn’t? He’s probably never heard of iperf because he’s a fraud. Windows file transfer is not accurate and can be effected by drive speeds. It’s insane to me how dumb some people are that watch his videos. That now includes you. The brain rot his channel has caused is real, I can’t imagine saying windows file transfer is an accurate measure of throughput, lmao. You’re an imbecile. This is exactly why I say LTT has done more harm to the tech community than anything. He has you believing windows file transfer is a legitimate measure of throughput! Ahahahahaha!

        And the fact he would be running Windows tells you all you need to know about his tech expertise. Windows is a joke of an OS with laughable workflows and no customization. Dude is a warehouse employee that got a cult YouTube following from dropping hardware, he knows nothing about tech. Almost every video I’ve watched of his has me cringing over his incompetence, it’s insane someone that gets so much constantly wrong has amassed such a following. But I guess, most people are just really that dumb, and punchable face thumbnails with click bait titles are enough to gain subs.

          02 months ago

          Their entire purpose for installing the interconnect was for transferring video files for editing. If that’s the only thing it’s going to be used for, there is no better test than doing exactly that. Iperf isn’t going to tell you the windows file transfer speed, only Windows file transfers will.

          I hate the guy too. He’s a smarmy jackass that thinks he knows everything. I can’t stand watching him. Unfortunately even idiots get things right on occasion. This was one of those times.

            -12 months ago

            And transferring huge video files for editing using Windows file transfer is equally moronic to using it as a tool to measure throughput. If that’s actually thier workflow, they are bigger imbeciles than I could ever imagine. And so are you for thinking that’s okay.

            When you run a new line, and you want to specifically test that line… which is what he stated, you use iperf.

            You can try and defend it all you want but all you’re doing is proving that you don’t know shit. You think a test that has more variables, is less repeatable, and less accurate is the best test… you’re just as incompetent