meme made by me using free libre open source software aka Gnu Image Manipulation Program (ak… aka GIMP) uwu

(Lemmy original meme fr)

  • Dhs92
    192 months ago

    To be fair, as someone that works in IT…most people would ignore that pop up

      2 months ago

      It was not a popup. It was a message in a terminal window. Which not only would most users not use, you’d definitely think they would rapid-fire Y when there is scary message in all caps right about the “y/n” prompt.

      Edit: it wasn’t even pressing Y. To proceed, he had to ignore the warning which was pretty clear, then type out manually “Yes, do as I say!” then press enter. Regular users who aren’t total morons asking for trouble wouldn’t do that.

      • MHLoppy
        52 months ago

        I do some game modding, and sometimes have to hack together software to help with it, some of which ends up public.

        One of my programs relied on the location of other, existing files and so would poke around at runtime to see where the user had launched it from, alerting the user if it was in a location where it wasn’t supported. If that happened, an interactive message box pops up with the title “UNSUPPORTED LOCATION” and text that says, verbatim sans my [notes]:

        "Running [this program] from [unsupported] folder is NOT SUPPORTED, and is likely to produce errors. Run [other program] instead.

        If you want to run [this program] from here anyway, type “I understand”.

        You can’t skip or just “OK” the message to dismiss it, otherwise the program just immediately begins a managed shutdown of itself to prevent any of the aforementioned potential errors from occurring. I STILL had a user message me saying how making them type in “I understand” was a weird thing to make them do in order to use the program. Thankfully I think they’ve been the only one so far so it’s certainly not the norm, but the average computer user is also much less tech-savvy than someone downloading mods for a video game.

      132 months ago

      Yeah, I maintain that it’s not realistic that a person new to linux would do what he did here. I mean, sure, some people might, but the warning on the screen is really fucking clear it’s not a good idea, and it’s not the kind of “OK” modal that people are used to safely dismissing without reading.

        212 months ago

        Counter point: The removal of your desktop environment should not under any circumstances be within the possibility space of side effects for trying to install a common piece of desktop software, regardless of the warnings provided or confirmations required.

        This was an issue with the OS, and the Pop_OS! team fixed it in an update very soon after this. A month earlier or later and Linus would not have encountered it.

          92 months ago

          So he nuked the OS on purpose and then blamed Linux.

          No, he nuked the OS because he’s one of those people who shuts down all thought when they’re outside of their depth and smashes buttons. His impression of OS’s is that recovery will always be there to save you.

          For a beginner, he had no business digging that deep into the terminal without reading. They were trying to speedrun using Linux with no knowledge.

          And this was early in Wayland, a lot of shit didn’t play nice yet. Hell some of it still doesn’t play nice.

          If his goal was to install an OS, install steam, install OBS and play some games, he NEVER should have run into most of these issues.

          At the time he installed it, there was probably a dep issue installing steam from his package manager. He could have installed it one of a dozen different ways. He wasn’t intent on making it work he was intent on showing it was out of the reach of the command user.

          22 months ago

          Tell me, when should you ever have the need to nuke your OS in this way?

          Does it hold any value to have this feature in your OS?

          Because to me, it doesn’t. So it sounds like a Linux problem.

          -12 months ago

          Exactly. And for the record I’ve been gaming on pop os since around the time he made the video I linked in this thread and I did not run into that error he got, nor did I ever get presented with a choice to possibly nuke my OS. I don’t get what weird thing he did here.

    • One of my favorite sayings at work is “you can’t make people read.” Some workflow has changed, and management wants to alert everyone? They’re very quick to go “oh just post a sign or send a memo.” No, you can’t make people read. People will miss it, even if it’s a gigantic flashing neon sign.

      62 months ago

      On a video card driver install in text mode?

      Nope… I’ll bully through an install, but when something says WARNING or CRITICAL, I read that shit. Nobody spends any time on error messages. If you see a long error message telling you it’s important, it didn’t get there by accident or an overabundance of caution. It got there from having to listen to a hundred people bitch about an unexpected result.