• JackGreenEarth
    -111 year ago

    Use violence when they have started WW3. Not when they are peaceful members of society not causing any harm to people. Can’t you see the difference between when they are killing people and when they are keeping to themselves?

      • JackGreenEarth
        01 year ago

        Responding with violence to levels of violence that are manageable and not yet a war will indeed lead to escalation of violence, and possibly a war, but that seems to be what you want, so you have an excuse to kill Nazis. Deescalation of violence should be the left wing mindset when confronted with violence, to try and bring down the violence with non violent means, and make the Nazis realise that gay and trans people aren’t so bad. Otherwise they are perfectly justified in calling left wing people cancel culture and sensitive. We should want to refute those claims, not enforce them.

        Why do they get to decide what you think?

      • JackGreenEarth
        -11 year ago

        I’m not saying to leave them alone, I’m saying to not express a desire to kill them. There’s a difference.

      • JackGreenEarth
        01 year ago

        No, I think we should use non violent means, which are more effective anyway, while we are not at war. Violence is a last resort, not the first thing you turn to when someone believes something like that.

      • JackGreenEarth
        01 year ago

        Of course, try and stop them, but not by saying in your left wing echo chamber that you want to kill them. Nobody’s actually going to kill the Nazis, they won’t see the comment, and if they do all it will do is drive them further apart and make them firmer in their beliefs.

        • hook
          011 months ago

          If Nazis scatter like rats they’ll get hunted like rats.

          What goes around comes around.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      No one here needs your permission to stop them nor are you an authority who has the right to tell the left what to do.

      • JackGreenEarth
        -11 year ago

        Of course, I thought that would be obvious. I’m simply stating my opinion, that’s all that anyone can do. No one is an authority for the left, it is far too complex and divided within itself for that to be a thing.

    • hypelightfly
      211 months ago

      I’d rather not have WW3. Since this lesson has already been learned and all we can stop it first.