For me, it’s anal sex with a woman. There’s a hole right next to it that evolution has literally designed for your penis that doesn’t require extra prep and comes pre-lubed. Why choose the one where the poo comes out?

  • @[email protected]
    81 year ago

    I guess for me, it’s the whole praising of big penises and/or shaming small pensises.

    I cannot tell you how much I spent thinking and worrying if my penis will ever be big enough, will I ever satisfy a woman, etc. I’m 4 inches (4.5 inches when I’m very aroused) so seeing pornstars ogle over big cocks like it was bars of gold but never seeing any proper representation for average penises, let alone small ones, really cut into my own ego and pride.

    Once I had sex, especially when I had it regularly, I was so annoyed at what the whole big fuss was about.

    And while I’m on my soapbox, let me add the whole virginity thing too - it literally doesn’t matter if you are a virgin or not. It doesn’t make you better (or worse) if you’ve had sex, and you’re not intrinsically worth less (or more) as of a person for not having sex. It’s like thinking you are better than someone for eating ice cream.

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      I have a buddy with a legit foot long. He couldn’t get laid because women would see it and nope out. Then he got together with another friend who is a masochist, and they lived happily ever after.

      I’m decently above average, and it does suck sometimes. My wife and I can really only have penetrative sex for about 15-20m before she starts to get sore.

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        That’s a really interesting point - one I would’ve never thought of. I know nobody has ever complained about being too sore from me, so I do feel better about that aspect - thank you!

        I guess it’s just a matter of “the grass is always greener on the other side” sort of thing - I see this with women and big/small boobs. Women with small boobs tend to feel more insecure, while the women with big boobs are like “believe me, your spine is grateful to you” and meanwhile I’m sitting here just appreciating all boob sizes (which is how I feel most women would feel most of the time)