• Older millennial checking in. Columbine was my freshman year of highschool, 9/11 my senior year. My parents had to get under their desks because they would somehow block nukes, we got under ours because they would somehow block ar-15s and pipe bombs. I lost more friends in 3rd period than in Afghanistan and Iraq. His war was always somewhere else and might come to him ours started at home. He doesn’t want to acknowledge the existential threat we face because he and people who think and speak like him cause it.

    • DigitalTraveler42
      1 year ago

      Yeah I’m a very late Gen X’er, grew up with Reagan as the first president that I remember, and tensions with the Ruskies were pretty high, and Red Dawn was a super popular movie at the time, WOLVERINES!!

      Guys like this say this stuff for one of two reasons, the first being that they are ignorant to the fact that political outlook transcends generations, “okay boomer” is a nice sassy meme and way of dealing with people acting foolishly, however there’s a good portion of “boomers” who still retain left leanings. Unlike the trope they always tout “you’ll grow more conservative with age” and that’s not necessarily true, some of us do but most of us probably do not, people are stubborn, they usually don’t give up what they know. That’s why the Right try to nibble away at the fringe groups, because herding people like the antivaxxers or UFO folks, the bro culture and manosphere, cryptobros and nft scammers, and memestock people, means broadening exposure for conservative groups, white Nationalists, and Nazis.

      The second reason these guys say this stuff is to be purposely divisive, they know they have a solid base of old ignorant shitheads, and that’s who saying stuff like this panders to, it elevates them over the rest of us and makes them feel special, I guess, some of these people are sad like that and my dad is one of them.

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      Being under a desk won’t do much if a nuke lands close but if you’re far enough away, it can at least provide some protection from falling debris. Marginally better than sitting straight up, anyway, and if everyone in a survivable-but-still-hazardous zone does it, you can slightly reduce the immediate losses.

      Obviously that’s not the main focus of your comment but the whole “duck and cover” thing isn’t as ridiculous as it may seem.