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28 Millennia later and the Old Night falls across Terra. The codex describes humanity’s descent into warring factions. But there is a reason they called it the Old Night, an ancient rage virus re-emerged to decimate Terran civilization until The Emperor emerged to vanquish the old nemesis using his psychic and scientific powers once and for all.
They skipped months, now they can’t do a fourth one :(
28 Millennia later and the Old Night falls across Terra. The codex describes humanity’s descent into warring factions. But there is a reason they called it the Old Night, an ancient rage virus re-emerged to decimate Terran civilization until The Emperor emerged to vanquish the old nemesis using his psychic and scientific powers once and for all.
Damn it, I want this to be cannon now but that would break Event Horizon as humans first contact with the warp.
Decades. Just a social drama, no zombies at left.