• Ace T'Ken
    11 months ago

    You are casting a broad (and incorrect) net over a wide swath of people.

    I would make none of those arguments you proposed.

    I have a very strong environmental bent. I feel the world should be made uncomfortable now to avoid apocalypse. I would break apart mon- di- and even tri- opolies. I would overhaul the copyright system to enhance competition specifically because we’re in a period where small companies are not capable or competing in the arenas that megacorps do. I would remove loopholes from tax and legal laws.

    I would enforce corporations cleaning up after their messes. If that cleanup is too expensive for them to bear, then they should not be making those messes to begin with.

    I would also refuse immigration from countries with more population than can be supported. I would push for a more cyclical global economy instead of relying on inter-governmental debt spirals. I would implement UBI.

    I meet none of the standards you have laid out.

    Who are you to tell me what I am, other than confidently incorrect?