Aside from being contacted by a family member or maybe some sort of contact information being left in a will, how do you discover if someone you know has died?

    134 months ago

    At 4 AM, bleary-eyed, answering a phone call from my mother (the second time she’d tried) to be told that my father probably can’t hear words anymore but that she’d put it on speakerphone in case I had any words to speak before the life support was removed.

    His condition went from stable and active to on the edge of death within a few hours. He had (mostly) survived three separate bouts of cancer and the most one was in remission (we’d all flown out a few years prior for the extremely risky surgery needed to counter the last bout).

    I don’t think anyone learns about a sudden death in a particularly graceful way. If you want your loved ones to have more than a day’s advance notice euthanasia is pretty much your only option.