• StametsOPM
      4 months ago

      In Bashir’s own words:

      “Small for my age, a bit awkward physically, not very bright. In the first grade, while the other children were learning how to read and write and use the computer, I was still trying to tell a dog from a cat, a tree from a house. I didn’t really understand what was happening. I knew that I wasn’t doing as well as my classmates. There were so many concepts that they took for granted that I couldn’t begin to master and I didn’t know why. All I knew was that I was a great disappointment to my parents.”

      When he talks to his parents about it they talk about how they saw him “fallling farther behind each day” and that’s why they did the treatments. They loved him and did want him to be more, but the cause was quite clearly a learning or mental disability of some variety. The treatments started at 7 years old and first grade would have been at 5 or 6. If you’re not able to tell a tree from a house at 5 or 6 then there’s something far more wrong than simply being slow.