Because I’ve been eating rice more often I realized via my energy bill that cooking in a pot on an electric plate for 30 minutes consumes massive amounts of electricity. Therefore I’m currently browsing for rice cookers, but the info on energy efficiency leaves much to be desired.

What would be the most efficient method to cook brown rice? Which appliance would be recommendable and ideally be in line with the Buy It For Life philosophy?

    54 months ago

    Just checked my rice cooker, it’s max 350w

    Brown rice takes about 40 minutes in it, so yes I’d assume that’s drastically cheaper to run than an inefficient hob ring

    • We like brown rice baked in an ovenproof dish with a cover.

      In a typical 1200 w toaster oven toaster oven, that would be 1200 w. We have a rice cooker but tend to only use it for large amounts.