• @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    other favored theories include:

    • one or more Beastie Boy(s) was on the bus in The Voyage Home, saw Spock neck-pinch the punk with the boombox, and thought “damn, we should write a song about that”
    • in the Star Trek universe, the line is “like a slap on the ass from Doctor Spock
    • the line alludes to a character in a pulp sci-fi story authored by one Benny Russell and published in Incredible Tales of Scientific Wonder, circa 1953
    • partial_accumen
      118 months ago

      one or more Beastie Boy(s) was on the bus in The Voyage Home, saw Spock neck-pinch the punk with the boombox, and thought “damn, we should write a song about that”

      This is further supported by a lyric from the track “Body Movin’” off the same album “Hello Nasty”:

      It is clear that MCA was the one that witnessed the bus incident. The other Beastie Boys are asking where he was that he saw the neck pinch:

      MCA, where have you been?

      MCA responds with the next lyric in the track referring to the bus:

      Packed like sardines in the tin
      • @[email protected]
        128 months ago

        The ship is dockin’, interlockin’ / And up-rockin’, electro-shockin’

        clearly indicates the aforementioned Boys witnessed the sudden appearance of the HMS Bounty off the coast of San Francisco earlier that same day, and furthermore, we must assume that MCA followed Spock from the bus all the way to the Cetacean Institute where, moments before leaping into the tank and mind-melding with the whale — the whale he had been searching for; his goal, his target, his quarry, if you will — Mr. Yauch witnessed him, and I quote:

        kick off your shoes and put on your swim fins / 'Cause when it comes to quarries I’m known to swim

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      Fun police, shut it down. Shut everything down, pull the plug. There’s a technical inaccuracy, all jokes are null and void. Everybody needs to go home, or we start arresting people.

      • @[email protected]
        118 months ago

        Scene: House party, 11PM. Fun police raid the building, crashing through windows and kicking in the front door. Partygoers scream and scatter in all directions. Fun police let their dogs off the leash, and they turn into fur missiles chasing the stragglers.

        Scene: Backyard. Protagonist sprints through the backyard, chased by a dog, and clumsily tries to scale the back fence. A dog has a firm grip on his pants leg and refuses to let go.

        :: record scratch, freeze frame ::

        That’s me, trying to climb that fence. You might be wondering how I got here…

        • littleblue✨
          58 months ago

          Fur missile? Now there’s a nickname I’ve not heard in a lonnng time.

    • @[email protected]
      28 months ago

      He seems like a really good person!

      Please don’t tell me he’s a eugenicist or something…

      • @[email protected]
        48 months ago

        He did a lot of good for a lot of parents. Most of what we consider to be the baseline for parenting is because of Dr. Spock. Some of his advice is now medically outdated, but most of it remains timeless and valuable. He was a good dude.

  • @[email protected]
    178 months ago

    The Beastie Boys are classical music in the 23rd century, Amanda was just an ancient Earth history buff.

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      “Ancient” to us is around 750 AD. 232 years is not ancient.

      EDIT: Consulted Memory Alpha.

      • VindictiveJudge
        118 months ago

        I imagine a complete reboot of human civilization with the one-two punch of WW3 and contact with alien life would skew perspectives a bit.

      • Zagorath
        38 months ago

        “Ancient” to us is around 750 AD

        Ey? I’d say ancient ends when the western Roman Empire ends, which is 3 centuries earlier.

        I saw that Wikipedia listed the ancient period as lasting from 3000 BC – AD 750, but I’m not sure why it says that. I tried ctrl-f for “750”, as well as “75” and “74” (in case it was off by as much as a decade) and “8th” (for any time in the 8th century), and none of the results that came up seemed to support the lede’s claim.

        But while we’re nitpicking dates, it always bothers me when Trek calls 20th century music classical. Classical doesn’t just mean “old”. We don’t call mediaeval music classical today. Nor did they in Mozart’s time. The term classical music has a pretty robust mea ing in academia that is very unlikely to change, and a popular non-academic meaning which is basically the academic meaning + “anything that’s superficially kinda similar to that”. I just don’t find it believable that the 23rd century is going to be calling 20th century popular music “classical”.

  • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    138 months ago

    In Star Trek, the line is changed from Spock to “The Rock,” referencing Dwayne Johnson who would later appear as an alien on Voyager and beat the shit out of Seven of Nine in an MMA match.