I absolutely love how many elements this song blends together. Electronic chorus, metal-core verse, power ballad bridge, thrash metal, then just a brutal ending. Chef’s kiss on this one.
What is your favorite metal song that you just can’t share with your non-metal friends?
Yeah 🤘
My favorite music as of late is Sleep. Headphones recommended.
Recently I like me some classic Grand Magus.
Finally, my normal friends just can’t appreciate Bears!Sleep and (old) Grand Magus, heck yeah! What do you think of Electric Wizard, if I might ask? Dopethrone is the heaviest album of all time, in my unimportant opinion.
Doom metal, yeah I like it all
The pure heaviest album all time is, I think, Satan Worshipping Doom… Bongripper - Worship
It’s a good one for sure! I’ll put a link too in the hope of luring some more people in Electric Wizard - Dopethrone
Also, I forgot to mention Acoustic Wizard, the equally awesome EW cover band
Would you believe me if I told you I read your message while listening to that terrific album?
Also, great name for a cover band 😂
I’m glad to hear it!
That band dooms like few bands have ever doomed before. So good and so crushing live.
Sleep is the shit. I was supposed to see them last year but they cancelled their show. Hopefully they go on tour again at some point
I just checked them out on Spotify and their discography is hilariously messed up
Yep this happens like once a month for a few days. I believe the same thing happens to a bunch of bands on Spotify with generic names.
Al Cisneros looking furrier every year
Dude if you haven’t already, check out Sleep’s other project OM. The first three albums are other worldly. Lots of meditative aspects to their music which I think works incredibly with the doom metal style droning guitars and slower tempo.
Micro-aggressions by animals as leaders is fucking nuts, but everyone looks st me funny when I play it
Nice pick! My favorite metal is folk and/or symphonic influenced:
Nine Treasures - Bodhicitta
Flesh Juicer - 虎爺
Krampus - Tears of Stone
Aephanemer - Dissonance WithinHell yes! So happy to find some other metalheads here. I’m sort of “basic”, I guess, in terms of my metal tastes. I haven’t been able to get into any harsh vocals. I can get into Mastodon’s harsh vocals and enjoy some of Gojira and Opeth. But other than that, I’ve never had harsh vocals “click” for me.
So I mainly love and always listen to Metallica, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, and Megadeth…NWOBHM stuff mainly. But I want to branch out and get into some newer stuff.
Recently I’ve enjoyed the latest releases from Blood Ceremony, Blood Star and Oozing Wound. Sleep is pretty cool, and I enjoyed Thrice’s newest release.
So I’m interested in finding some new music to check out with you fine folks!
Long time metalhead here, refugee from reddit, ofc. I’ve never listened to Veil of Maya before, but I dug this track, so thanks for sharing. Personally I’m a big fan of classic, symphonic, and power metal, but I enjoy plenty of stuff in other sub-genres as well, depends on my mood. Glad to be here, and glad there are other metalheads around.
I like a lot of what I consider ‘classic’ metal, which I hope is not offensive. Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Dio, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin. I like a lot of nu metal too, I hope that doesn’t get me banned.
I’d like to try more, I think it’s just the extreme varieties I can’t really get into.
Ideally, I’d love it if we curbed the gatekeeping and “nu metal isn’t metal” circlejerk here before it has a chance to start
First one to start the ‘nu metal isn’t metal’ brigade gets my nu foot up their ass lol.
Nu-metal gets a bad wrap, but without it, modern metal wouldn’t be what it is.
It is really great to hear this community is more open, it put me off sharing metal tastes in the past.
Also turns out I listen to way more power metal than I thought. Started a power metal playlist and recognised loads of bands.
I wouldn’t call myself a metalhead, but I’ve been listening to Galneryus a lot lately (japanese powermetal). Any recommendations?
Love Galneryus, check out some of the classic western power metal bands like Blind Guardian, or modern prog metal bands for the instrumental complexity.
Galneryus is so good!
Vulcan is more into #visualkei, so will recommend Versailles.
If you like light hearted lyrics, gloryhammer and Angus McSix are pretty fun, they don’t take themselves serious, and I love them for it.
Can’t have a favorite song but probably my favorite metal album still is Trivium’s The Sin and the Sentence. It’s got nice mix of influences from various metal substyles. Probably my first “real” metal album as well since I listened more to fusions genres.
Trivium is awesome! I saw them open for Iron Maiden last year. I need to explore their discography more.
So many great songs to choose from, so I dont really have a favorite. One great song I just listened to is called Suicide Machine by Death.
I am. First post.
I threw We Butter The Bread With Butter - Fall on my Surfans this week at work. When it played, I was glad I did.
Veil of Maya always struck me as quite an eclectic band. Love their stuff!
My favourite songs by preferred bands are -
Fear Factory / Slave Labor
Amon Amarth / Twilight of the Thunder GodAlthough I’m loving Wind Rose at the moment. It’s just got that perfect amount of Power Cheese!
I’m here from r/progmetal, and like many people there my favourite album is still Odyssey to the West by Slice The Cake. It’s a prog-tech-death concept album with deeply poetic lyrics and the soundscape is just amazing.
Not my favorite of all time but every time I discover some ridiculously heavy and awesome song like Strangled - Defect I’m sad that I can’t share it with any of my friends.
Gastronomicon by Slugdge, the mollusc-themed death metal band that is far, far better than it has any right to be
So I know this comment’s kinda old but I just got here lol. I’m a stoner/doom guy but I got recommended Slugdge recently and they kicked my ass. Esoteric Malacology really did it for me
I haven’t heard of Veil of Maya so I’ll give them a bash today.
The metal I’ve listened to has narrowed over the years but I love Gojira and a bunch of instrumental metal bands (rediscovered Deathmole recently and the track “No thanks” goes hard. Also a massive fan of Genghis Tron – every track on their album Board up the house is incredible.