The chief justice doesn’t like his conservative Supreme Court colleagues getting called out for judicial overreach.

  • Flying Squid
    12 years ago

    Yeah, well, too fucking bad. If you’re going to be horrible people, expect to be called on it.

  • HarkMahlberg
    12 years ago

    If he wants to fix this problem he helped create, then he should resign today and let Biden appoint a liberal replacement. Shit, he should be advocating for an expanded court to counteract the blatant ratfucking of the last 7 years.

    But he won’t do any of that. Because he’s a partisan hack.

  • Yeah, don’t like being criticized for being partisan hacks then don’t make decisions that are clearly partisan. However it’s way too late in any of that since most Americans already think the Robert’s court is illegitimate and unqualified thanks to these conservative partisan hacks in the court.

    -12 years ago

    Lol. It’s not “judicial overreach” to stop an unconstitutional spending spree by the President. That spending must go through Congress.

    Wahhh! The Court is following the Constitution and I don’t like it!!!