As a someone who frequently argues with IT teams over ridiculous hidden password rules that drive crappy user experience I feel triggered by this game.
This is fantasticll
My company finally went to a non expiring multi-word based policy. Took them a major breach but finally some sanity.
Have you ever played You Shall Not Pass?
I’m not gonna do google searches, I give up.
Haha, I also played along until the wordle thing.
I tried. Apparently, it’s ‘ABOUT’:
But nothing happens. Meh. Was nice :)
Today it’s “tract”
I just opened devtools to see the answer lol
I hate Paul…
I made it up to rule 25 and then Paul starved because I was thinking too long about which characters to ban.
To make it over Rule 24 (Paste the URL of a Youtube video with a certain random length), I even created a video with the correct length and kept uploading it to Youtube to get a URL without roman numerals and decently usable atomic weights.
When I tried it again after that dumb chicken starved, I hit Youtube’s maximum daily upload limit. Now Youtube thinks I am a spambot or something.
Btw, there are 35 rules total, in case anyone else makes it over 24. And spoiler, the one that got me doesn’t matter at all. It’s one of the easiest of all.
That’s a heroic effort! I laughed so hard.
I tag teamed with someone and they were constantly counting to make sure Paul got fed while I tried to find a 23m03s YouTube video
I got a text HOURS saying “I can still hear myself counting” lol
Do you know what all the rules are? Could you perhaps put it in a spoiler quoted comment? I’m not about to get through all of these rules lol.
“Your password must include the URL of a 23 minute 42 second long YouTube video.”
Careful with Paul. He may starve.
Also this:
I quit after I got that…
I did the exact same! 😂
Yep. That was enough for me as well.
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I think I will quit at this point.
OK, I may have hit a wall with this one.
Anal beads to the rescue!
That’s where I quit too
Im on the same bit atm and put the match into a chess bot but it tells me illegal move everytime i try
FUCK i killed paul
Who is Paul? Why is he killed? So many questions. And I’m still stuck at the chess board…
I used this for the chess, and you will find paul soon, just dont delete him by accident. The syntax was Qh6+ for the chess but it will differ for you
Thanks. That helped. I got Paul now. The suspense is killing me :D
I think I managed to save Paul from fire.
Idk what im missing but i cant get past the number of elements and idk how long this will take to solve haha
My captcha included an invalid chess move, so a had to regenerate a different captcha:
Hunter 913 VII April Shell bdg84 about He 🌔 Venezuela
You can leave in the illegal move. You only have to include the correct one also.
Yep, don’t feel like play chess right now haha. Maybe if the answer was en passant 😳
I’m a stubborn one. But I also suck at chess. I recreated the board in
This whole website is great, thanks for sharing! Currently hooked on drawing a perfect circle
This is the best I could do
Let’s go!
I found bigger circles made it easier.
I gave up around the roman numbers because I chose to include
…Think I should try again.
edit: okay, I’m going to call it on the Wordle rule.
That’s as far as I got as well
im case you tackle it again, the month does not need to be capitalized, and if its lower case, it doesn’t count as a roman numeral
Shortly after the Wordle rule I got told I had to include the country Colombia. Which, with an L, made it impossible to multiple Roman Numerals to equal 35…
Only uppercase letters get treated as Roman numerals, same for periodic table. The real killer one for those two is YouTube url
For me it wouldn’t even let me copy/paste a YouTube URL. Trying to do so kept automatically pasting in the title of the damn video. 😠
it wouldn’t even let me copy/paste
It’s so real, right?
I hate when they forbid c/p password fields - that’s so stupid and even lessens security.
One day I might solve this, but this day is not today.
Some useful resources:
Emoji Moon Phases, you’ll need Waxing Gibbous right now (🌔)
Today’s Wordle Answer:
The Elements sorted by Atomic Number:
Chess Move Solver:
What killed me was trying to feed the chicken while hunting for a YouTube video of a certain length. I did get past that once when I was lucky enough to be asked for a 9 minute 0 second video. Because people upload “timer” videos of exactly X minutes, that was possible. The “26 minute 59 second” video resulted in a dead chicken.
What the hell is a gibbous and why does it need waxing?
Today’s Wordle Answer:
I already had my WordleHelper so that wasn’t actually that hard.> What killed me was trying to feed the chicken while hunting for a YouTube video of a certain length.
Chess Move Solver:’s the stuff! I chickened out at the chess question.
What killed me was trying to feed the chicken while hunting for a YouTube video of a certain length.
That will be solved with the browser’s dev tools, I guess 😇
LMAO this game is amazing. I got to rule 25 with this bad boy
but fucking Paul starved as I was converting all the vowels to bold. If anyone’s wondering why there’s a link in there, rule 24 required you to put the URL of a YT video with a duration of exactly 11 minutes and four seconds. Will probably be different for you, if you try it.
Just select all and make it bold! 😉
Which will probably come back to bite you
I hate this. Also, I love it. Fuck Paul.
I did 32nd Rule but I broke Rule 5. I wasn’t going to juggle the hex colour, the length of the password, the captcha, and the youtube url, so that the numbers add to 25… Don’t know if it’s possible even…
edit: 31 to 32 was hard, I added a before pic as well, had to change strategy.
Impressive. I never got past the YouTube URL. But I refresh the captcha until it doesn’t contain any numbers so that it doesn’t mess with the “25”. Still, it the YouTube video contains too many numbers, then it’s difficult.
Didn’t even think that the captcha could be numberless… And now that I look at it youtube urls had no number… F***!
Maybe it’s a good think I quit, I have work to do :P
That was fun! Kinda hit the wall at the youtube link rule. Couldn’t find a way to search YT videos by exact length, so you either need to get super lucky and find one randomly or upload such a video yourself. Then you better hope the video URL does not contain any roman numerals… All while keeping Paul fed (but not overfed!)
I think at that point the game requires two players cooperating. One searches for YouTube videos while the other is feeding Paul.
Same, this was also my limit.
I got through YouTube by searching for
speed run “mm:ss”
since speedrun videos usually have the speedrun time in the title. Then it’s just a matter of searching for speed runs of slightly shorter times than it until you happen across a video which is both of appropriate length plus or minus the one second tolerance it gives, and which doesn’t kill either your Roman numerals or elements
Reminds me of But this one is even harder. :D
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Playing this game was infuriating when the egg hatched.