Hey, maybe this time the script kiddies won’t be able to sabotage people’s SINGLEPLAYER GAMES!
Only way I buy this:
- It is priced at 60 to 70 dollars (fuck that still hurts)
- It has a solid OFFLINE story mode.
If they try pull 100 dollar bullshit or fill it with micro transactions then I am out. Also I will not pre order this game (I didn’t with 5) I will wait until its out and I hear good things from the players.
Just like I did with 5. Had coworker who was bragging about the game every day. Finally and picked up a copy at Vintage Stock. This is the original PS3 version only one I have.
Point 2 is the biggest for me. I haven’t played more than 30 minutes of gta5 online. Single player story is where it’s at. Wish we got more DLC.
Same only tried it once was no fun. Yes they game was built to have multiple DLCs or hell lot more story could of been told.
I only recently started playing again specifically because I found out that all the missions in online mode that required you to be in a public lobby are now able to be ran in a private lobby. Playing in a solo lobby is basically like getting more SP story (there are story missions in GTAO; it’s not all races and DM). Don’t have to deal with cheaters or asshats.
Does it work on PS3?
I would assume that it’s the same on every platform.
Genuine question, why is $100 too much for a quality game? Completely agreed on the micro transactions though
Exactly. $100 is a lot of money, however games are cheaper than ever these days (adjusted for inflation) and $100 for no micro transactions sounds fair.
On the other hand, I wouldn’t buy it at that price either. I‘d wait for a sale…
I don’t do modern consoles, do people consider 30fps acceptable?
The majority of people playing don’t know the difference. I am shocked there won’t be a 60fps mode, i can’t remember the last time I’ve been forced to play at 30fps outside of playing older games locked to it.
I would imagine the game is at the highest possible graphic fidelity for consoles, and also the scale of the game will have a factor.
Remember. Gta V came out 12 years ago. It didn’t run at 60fps on any console until the PS5
Most don’t, the people who say they don’t realize it probably also say that “there’s no difference between 1080p and 4k!”
Remember, they released GTAV with 30FPS first to PS5 , then they sold an upgraded PS5 version @60FPS for an additional $10 (which is free on most games).
That is incorrect. They added a bunch to that $10 upgrade.
Like a simple switch to allow 60FPS on an already capable hardware?
idc as long as it’s not coming to PC. Don’t need GTA online anyway.