When asked about the tariff war between Canada and the United States after the prime minister of Canada said he would consider cutting off electricity to America if Donald Trump continues to impose tariffs, she referenced Jesus Christ.
“They want you to panic, but President Trump wants you to remember Jesus didn’t have electricity either and he did just fine,” Leavitt said.
If you think the quality of life in the US has been bad up to this point, just wait until Trump’s through with us.
The fact this stupid cunt could even refer to Jesus and that fat orange asshole in breath is nothing short of hilarious
Cool. We should also crucify Trump, because that worked out alright for Jesus too.
This makes a lot of sense.
I don’t think those little hands could hold up that gut.
When they crucify you they put stands on your feet and nails through the wrists
Then why does stigmata appear on your palms?
he did just fine
He was literally crucified. It’s the main symbol of the religion. The whole point of Jesus was to be tortured to death. That’s the whole fucking point. It’s why we can be forgiven without a deadly sacrifice. WTF is she talking about???
“Jesus didn’t have electricity.”
Jesus didn’t live in Vermont in the middle of winter, either, you idiot.
I’m sure he would have appreciated some AC though.
it would likely depend on whether the pharisees liked it or not.
“They want you to panic, but President Trump wants you to remember Jesus didn’t have electricity either and he did just fine,” Leavitt said.
LOL you mean other than the whole crucifixion thing?
also, how much pornstar hush money did jesus fork over/
just goes to show all they have to do is keep bleating jeeeeeeeeesus and the sheep will instantly fall in line
Jesus didn’t try to hide his connections into the sex work industry because he wasn’t a fuckin’ coward and he also wasn’t a fuckin’ predator. Mary Magdellen was a trusted friend, advisor, and many speculate life partner
She also probably wasn’t a sex worker (and this was more something being thrown at her as an insult by certain individuals who wanted to suppress gnosticism) based on interpretations I’ve heard in the past. (But if she was, I’m sure Jesus wouldn’t care.)
and many speculate life partner
AFAIK there is no evidence Maria Magdalena from the Bible ever existed, just like there is zero evidence for all the fantastic claims of the Bible.
Even Jesus doesn’t have proper historical evidence. While a minor player of the story like John the Baptist has.None of it is anymore true than what you will find in your average Harry Potter book. Maybe that’s the reason many Christians don’t like Harry Potter?
Most of history doesn’t have a lot of evidence. Most things were written by people that had religious beliefs in one form or another. If you reject anything from historical texts that was written by someone that also wrote fantastical things as well, you’d be rejecting most of human history.
There is evidence for certain events. However, once you get into it, you realize they’re all just… Ordinary.
For instance, Noah’s Ark can be traced back to an area that floods regularly. A merchant built a boat as an evacuation plan. One year, the floods were really bad, and he had to use his boat.
That’s it. Exaggeration and artistic license turned that into what we know today.
I know you’re using sheep in the common way we think about it, but this is the goats being lured. The sheep followed Jesus—these people don’t.
I’m reading the New Testament because I want to be able to quote this book better than these so called believers. In Matthew 25, there’s the parable of the sheep and goats. This is the moment of divine judgment, and Jesus asks the sheep, “Did you clothe me? Did you take care of me? Did you visit me in prison? Did you accept me when I was an alien in a foreign land?” The people that did are the sheep, the ones who are accepted to heaven.
The goats, who did not, are damned.
Call these people what they are: the goats. Use their beliefs to educate them how wrong they are. Tell them to read a Bible.
Jesus didn’t need to lock his credit with a smartphone after multiple data breaches
Jesus didn’t have guns.
I like this one the best.
Not according to the biblically accurate Passion of the Christ 2
yes but he also clearly had electricity.
Jeebus didn’t have microplastics, PFOS, and other POPs (persistent organic pollutants).
Maybe she should give up all her modern luxuries and live a completely ascetic lifestyle like Jesus.
Can we crucify her too?
It makes me just sad that the deplorables have managed to hijack one of the most powerful nations on earth.
as by design by Putin.
Are we giving him too much credit? What does he get from all this? What exactly is the plan.
This country elected a proven fucking idiot, Nazis are back, and billionaires are running the government. What does this have to do with Russia?
They’re trying to redefine electricity as a privilege. As in, we shouldn’t expect/rely on it.
Even in all but the worst dystopian worlds, the people have electricity.
I think the electricity isn’t quite flowing all the way up her brainstem…
Her husband was 50 when she graduated high school and they were set up on a blind date by Matt Gaetz.
Is all of this true? It appears she is 27, and her husband is 32 years older than her… yikes. Where did you hear the Gaetz thing or is that just a joke because he’s a pedophile?
There was a post somewhere that went viral claiming Gaetz set them up. This is just people taking screenshots as truth again.
I’m 50 and work around college age people. They are like children, without a doubt. High School graduates are most definitely still children in my experience
What does a DEI hire know about Jesus.
They don’t need it, says the privileged person using it.
We can play this game. 1 Peter 3:7, women are the weaker sex. 1 Peter 3:3 also says she shouldn’t wear jewelry, because it damages her gentle and holy standing.
Also 1 Timothy 2:12,
I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she is to keep silent.
Don’t preach to me about a book you haven’t read. I’m a Unitarian Universalist, so I think the Bible is an important text, but dated notions show the human sensibilities rather than the divine perfection of the book.
I don’t think Mrs. Leavitt is weaker or deserving less dignity than a man, but this book does. :/
if you treated her the way that book suggests, shed freak out on you!
Jesus also didn’t have women in positions of authority Karoline. You REALLY sure you wanna go that route?
Pretty sure she does. And bigotry has also been around in Jesus times. Just seems to me from the old stories, that he was opposed to it…
If she likes, she can get a donkey, live in a dirt house and cook some wheat mush over a wood fire every day, dates, or whatever people ate 2000 years ago. I think I’d like to stay with my induction stove, tomatoes and potatoes, induction stove, phone and TV…
Jesus and Early Christianity did have important roles for women actually. If I’m not mistaken, it was when the canon was decided on and authority of the church was institutionalized that they would have snuffed that out.
Jesus also lived 2000 years ago, that is, if he were real, which he isn’t either.
So now the press secretary is babbling about imaginary sky people, awesome! Totally not Taliban!
these people should be the first hit with the consequences. them being the role models and all.