I really wish we could disable PMs from anyone but admins or mods of comms we subscribe to, like you can on reddit. There will never be a day when I want to receive a PM from anyone on Lemmy. It’s nothing personal, there’s lots of cool people here, but I’m not interested in pen pals.
Ooh! You sound sexy and I definitely want to be your pen pal! I’ve sent you a DM!
Also, I have a great business opportunity for you if you’re interested! Have you ever heard of NFTs?
NFTs went away for a while because of crime and scams, but they fixed all those problems I swear. NFTs are the sexiest investment a sexy person could make, and they’re even better now that the leaders are implementing AI! It’s going to be revolutionary! It’s like E = Mc2, but now it’s E = Mc2 + AI. It’s the bees knees! It’ll make Stephen Hawking blush! I’ll help broker it for you, and if you send me 1 NFT, I will send you 2 back just because I like you.
Can’t wait for your reply!! ❤️
like E = Mc2, but now it’s E = Mc2 + AI
Aaaaaaaa. Thanks, I hate it. You successfully trolled me.
Thanks for posting this dude, this is exactly what I was referencing in my comment lol. Just a funny llinked in lunatic”
I also would have accepted E = McHammer
The McHammer is my favourite Happy Meal choice
Just pm’d you asking for more deets.
If we were on Reddit, OP’s inbox would get flooded with messages, but Lemmy isn’t active enough for that…
30ish / nonbinary per presidential decree / Land of the Free™~(Terms and conditions apply)~
Or come hang out with us at room/hell
Yay I feel loved, just got my one of these!
I got it to. Did they send it to everyone? And exactly how would you do that?
I got it too!
Got 4 copies of it, I don’t even know how to send a message to “all” here, didn’t think it was possible.
The API is pretty open. you can write a script that sends individual messages to however many people you like
Besides all that drama of OP:
Wouldn’t that be THE BEST social media community where messages like that would actually happen? I would love to be a part of an open undivisive group of people who would write things like “Hey, I’m Joe, I do this and that and noticed you, lets band if you like” or “I’m jenna, I do the creative work for XY instance, lets connect”. That would be really cool. The problem is as always that we can not trust these messages because of the last decade of misuse on various platforms. Even if we take out all the scams, we only accept the right message in the right medium: If someone would write me what OP posted on LinkedIn, I would read it as a business inquire connection (at best). If she would write me that on Tinder&co, I would take it as an avance. If I would get a message like that on facebook, I do not believe in it as a honest request anymore. On Insta I would read it as a scam too. But where is the place where I can get a message like that and trust it as it is the norm in that social network? McLuhan said “The Medium is the Message”. We need a Platform/Network/Medium to give a room to actually send a message like that where a connection without the aspect of business or sex is assumed because of the choosen Platform/Network/Medium.
The Fediverse will not solve this problem sadly, as it is mainly just decentralized, but is not out to solve societary tilts and disgraces. But it is nice to think that such a place/site/room could exist (one day?) where a person (even of another gender) could have an exchange like that without bad intentions. As usally, The good ones are silent, and the loud ones are scams.
The loneliness epidemic in a nutshell: we feel we can’t trust people being open and friendly.
That isn’t normal, by the way.
The problem isn’t that we feel we can’t trust them. It’s that we actually can’t trust them. Trusting someone that messages you that way is likely to end up with you in a bathtub full of ice, or at the very least, a compromised bank account.
I didn’t mean to say the well hasn’t been poisoned, only that we need a source of water.
Yeah that’s a pretty concise sitrep.
Most people are open and friendly but you have to meet them in real life.
I signed up for dinner with strangers thing, meeting five random strangers I didn’t know before. Every single one was friendly and open about their lives.
We all need to be very careful not to think social media is real life. Outside of all this, most people are decent, specially when a bit older.
But where is the place where I can get a message like that and trust it as it is the norm in that social network? McLuhan said “The Medium is the Message”
I’m not sure this is possible on the internet in general. Even in the early days of facebook people were forced to grow suspicious of their old acquaintances reaching out to say hi only to be hit with some “be your own boss!” MLM schtick, and that was when you could be fairly confident the sender was a real person that you actually have known for some time. Not to mention how suspicious we all are of some of the “living my best life!” type of humble-brag posts that are really just sad people playing pretend.
Add a layer of anonymity and I’m just not sure genuine trust could ever be possible. Try to take away anonymity and you wander into the quagmire that is personal privacy and still can’t avoid the possibility of scams and compromised accounts.
I think that the Internet as a Medium simply cannot do what we have been trying to force it to do for years - serve as a good “third place” for socialization. Do people make friends here? Absolutely. But people make friends in the ICU, doesn’t mean we should install a bar there.
Mastadon is this way for me
I don’t know what drama you think op is introducing
Yeah, but also, such a thing could only result in meaningful physical relationships if the servers/communities have some kind of “local” association. For example, a server for france, one for italy, and one for the netherlands, you know what i mean?
Otherwise, if you just want to flirt and be silly, i recommend the !onehundredninetysix@lemmy.blahaj.zone community comment sections.
I didn’t get one 😔
I can catfish you if you want
Me next.
Take all my money, random dude on the web.
Even weirder, a user named “sognar” was posting their picture as a comment.
Seemed odd to me… Comment is removed now.
Probably the bot owner setting it up and doing a test post?
Created the same day so seems likely.
Also, the spammer linked above is now banned.
Interestingly there is a reddit user named Korvin-lin-sognar, who posts lots of pro-Russia, anti-Ukraine, pro-Trump, etc. you name it content on reddit and twitter.
They are also in IT with strong webdev skills, and possibly have an exemption from conscription for working more than a year in a Russian IT company(or are angry it doesn’t apply to them?)
Just saying if I was a Russian foreign agent (or troll) trying to use bots to fish and setup a troll farm on lemmy/Fediverse, I’d probably look a like like this netizen.
Edit: I’ve now been messaged by the sognar account as well as the original missy29. Interesting that the message has changed to include links now. Did anyone else get contacted by sognar?
I did, and it’s still there. I isolated the png because it was obviously a suspicious message and realized what they were doing, and wasn’t sure if viewing anything without caution might be a problem.
I’ve had a few messages in the past, general greetings out of the blue, but not with this much “bait”. I still haven’t figured out how to delete a PM in Mbin (there are no options anywhere that I see), so there they sit.
Here’s round two for me:
My first message from missy also had links, didn’t think to screenshot it, definitely did not click on them, but I think they at least looked the same…
Oh so that’s why, I reverse searched the image earlier and it linked to that post. Looks like there is another image on that profile now
Got thar same message. Basic policy: ignore.
I didn’t even know pms were a thing mbin until I got that one earlier. No pic on mine, but might be a cross-compatability issue or already the link died
I, too, was approached by Missy/Nicole.
okay lol i feel less bad for reporting this user now that i know it was widespread
I got like 8 of those :-/
damn how did they think that was gonna look legit 🤣
I also just got it.
I think that’s pretty good, we’re reaching the big leagues 🚀 🥳
I got the same lol