Don’t tell the fascists that the bathrooms in their homes are unisex.
Or on airplanes.
Jesus only used unisex bathrooms.
They quite literally probably have gendered bathrooms in their homes, the way there are “MAN CAVES”.
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it’s also a ‘single stall’
You’re almost there.
My partner and I practice synchronized shitting where one person sits normally and the other sits on top facing the tank.
It takes a bit of practice but we’re pretty good at it now.
Conveniently, the shower is in the same room.
I bet you could fit another three or four people there!
For poopin’?
Stop splitting kids by genitals too. No need to divide people early, it just creates…this.
Republicans are obsessed with genitals. It’s very creepy…
patriarchy enforces itself on boys starting as early as when they’re five (that’s when i was first told boys and girls can’t be friends). the patriarchy supports the types of people who are consistently republican. republicans consistently step in to defend and enforce patriarchy. if you’re familiar with the shit Akademiks got caught doing recently, that’s… that’s how patriarchy enforces itself on boys when they’re 13-16. it’s republicans doing the grooming, and republicans accusing us of grooming. and so we are clear, i am not letting the democrats off the hook here. their tolerance of intolerant philosophies is actively harmful to our survival effectively they groom us to be groomed for our patriarchal roles
How is that patriarchy?
that is patriarchy. it’s really hard to answer the question because the obsession with genitals being what makes our society is patriarchy. not just an aspect of it, but the entire thing. it’s like pointing at an elephant and asking how an elephant is an elephant. i’ll still try to explain best i can though.
so. let’s define patriarchy as being similar to other systems of oppression. capitalism hinges on that the owner class exists in hierarchy over the working classes. colonialism hinges on that races and societies exist in competition and hierarchy. religious fundamentalism hinges on that the religions of the world are at war and that only one religion is true. patriarchy hinges on that men and women are naturally meant to conduct themselves in certain ways and that men exist within hierarchy over women.
as an aside, all of this is fascism. fascism has gone by many different names throughout history. but any society that embraces these attitudes is fascist. america today is fascist. russia is fascist. the ussr was fascist. north korea is fascist. china is fascist. the self proclaimed fascists of the 1930s were, obviously, fascist. but so were the monarchs of the previous millenium, the confederated states of america, and tons of governments that have existed over the last 12000 years (particularly notably the romans and the Carthaginian).
anyway. the thing to understand is that the patriarchy is not for men, nor does it really benefit men. patriarchy ultimately benefits a small cabal of men who take advantage of the power they have within the hierarchy to gain personal comfort. think andrew tate, elon musk, dj akademiks, drake, joe rogan.
i’m out of energy to keep writing. please check out bell hooks in particular. she was a feminist philosopher who wrote the very influential essay “Feminism is for Everyone” which she wrote in the 1980s as powerful men figured out they could discredit feminism and say it was about things it never was by using the word “faminazi”
Have you ever noticed the longer the comment the greater the chance it is dumb or worthless?
My fifth grader is going to go through his “human growth and development” series this spring in school, and they’ve stopped separating them by gender and everyone is all in the same classroom. Very different than when I did it in the mid-90s. It’s especially good because there’s kid at school who is nonbinary and I know of at least one other who is questioning.
I went to an Alamo Drafthouse once with an interesting bathroom set up.
When you walk up to the restroom, there’s a large bay of sinks. To the left is a door that leads to a room of urinals and to the right is a hallway of stalls. Everyone just goes where they need to and since the sinks are out in the open where everyone sees and passes by, there’s more social pressure to wash your hands.
The best, bar none, engendered public restroom I’ve ever seen was less of a restroom and more of an area. It was basically just a hallway coming from a main area in the establishment. The hallway was lined with doors. Each was a “stall” that was just a closet with a toilet. Full hight doors for privacy. At the far end of the hall was a line of sinks to wash your hands afterwards.
Now, do I think this is perfect and cannot be improved? Hell no. It’s pretty flawed, but I’ll tell you that it’s less flawed than what most buildings that are open to the public have… Far less flawed. Gendered bathrooms are weird. IDK why people are so adamant about keeping them. I mean, I don’t have a men’s room and a ladies room at my house, do you?
I’ve never understood the privacy argument. There’s a door for a reason so no one can see anyone in there anyway. Do women not want men watching them wash their hands? I don’t get it.
I get it if they’re your typical stall doors, those things are not great for privacy, but anything more robust than that, I would agree with you.
The only other qualm I can see would be resolved by ensuring that every stall has a garbage can.
Yeah, they’re great, I hadn’t seen or heard about those before going to that Alamo. A hallway of stalls is a better phrase for describing it than I used. I did like that the alamo drafthouse had a room for urinals, so you don’t end up with pee all over every street from missed aiming.
They could add a little dispenser of cleaner to the stalls, like they have at bucees. It’s like a soap dispenser at the sink. You squirt it on some toilet paper and can use it to make sure the seat is clean before you sit down.
Try this one European secret, also no more gaps around the stall doors please.
American stall doors are a crime.
American stalls are a crime
A lot if not most of Europe still uses gendered bathrooms. But yeah, no gaps.
Oh yeah name every European bathroom. Would you say most have an attendant and charge a small fee?
There’s a restaurant near me that doesn’t want to do unisex bathrooms because politics. Even though they’re single occupancy.
But if someone is waiting for the gender-specific bathroom, they’ll regularly tell them they can just use the other one.
Oh you see that at bars all the time. Utterly stupid.
When I was at university in the late 2000s they did that with the university toilets, there was just a row of them off a corridor, all self-contained with a sink in everything, half of them were male and half of them were female, but there was literally no difference. No one ever paid any attention to the signs on the doors. No one ever cared back then.
Bonus tip: If there’s no witnesses around, you can put an official-looking unisex bathroom sign on any stray bathroom. Most people aren’t gonna question it.
That’s great. Unisex bathroom guerilla tactics.
Where would one find these official looking signs? Asking for a friend.
I’ve heard the argument that as soon as there is one common bathroom, women will get stalked and raped in there….
Sorry to burst your bubble but if someone wanted to attack you, it’s not a triangle dress on a sign that would have stopped them.
It can. Mostly because if a person enters wrong bathroom, everyone there will focus on them. With women going into attack mode.
Except that if not there, that person will find another moment. x_x
Do you think these assaults are happening in crowded bathrooms? Or that other women will ignore an assault simply because the bathroom is unisex?
The dude overpowering women and raping them is scared of women? Smooth idea so smooth and shiny you should keep this one.
They aren’t scared of woman. They should be scared of women.
In most cases, an average guy could be taken by as few as 3 average women – that’s a scientific statistic, based on my scientific person science feeling about how many average women it’d take to make me feel physically threatened.
You can throw all sorts of variables in there: is the guy an MMA fighter? Are any of the women fighters? Does anyone have weapons, from rocks or sticks, up to guns? Is one of the women Holly Holmes or Ronda Roussey? What if it’s Dwayne Johnson against Ronda Roussey, Holly Holmes, and Anne Mathis? Heck, I’d pay to see that fight. Dwayne’s not an MMA fighter, but all that mass and muscle is going to count.
Anyway, a reasonable small group of untrained women could fuck up your average untrained guy, especially if the women aren’t holding back; so, yeah, if he isn’t scared of a group of angry women, he’s an idiot, rapist or not.
We have 1 unisex bathroom (literally 1 toilet) on the entire campus here, tucked away in a corner. I only ended up finding it by accident in my 3rd year. I personally would be in favor of removing the distinction everywhere, but I doubt that’s going to happen. There was some strange blowback from some people who didn’t like the change. On one hand, it felt pretty weird considering 99% of students didn’t even know of the existence of said toilet before, but it became clearer to me after seeing how it was communicated.
I went to a theatre a few months ago that had the bathroom setup with several stalls that had full floor to ceiling walls and doors and an open sink area. There was a wall blocking the view of the main entrance to the building, but it was open enough that, at least to me and granted I am a CIS white male, it seemed like a solid setup that didn’t feel so isolating that were something to happen in there, someone would pretty quickly know.
I thought that style of setup should be the norm, honestly I think it’s the weird stalls that don’t actually block anything and have locks that 80% of the time are misaligned and broken that prevent us from having decent unisex bathrooms. Also, we don’t need urinals they don’t really save any room or anything.
The only other change I’d make with this setup is I’d probably have a separate room for baby changing stations just because the one example I had was small enough that if you had that in there, it would just be in the way of people trying to get in and out.
All for it though it’s best done when renovations are possible. Was at a place where they did it with multistall bathrooms and you had to guess which one had urinals.
Edit: of course could also just add a sign saying urinals here.
There should be two restrooms. One with only stalls, one with only urinals. That way we get the efficiency gains of urinals (very important at football stadiums), and nobody has to see a dick if they don’t want to.
I mean, I don’t know who goes to public bathrooms to see dick. I don’t even want to be in there in the first place. Seeing someone else’s bits is pretty low on the list of things I want to see in there, right above shit smeared walls.
At over 50 years old, I don’t think I’ve ever seen another man’s dick in a bathroom.
I’ve seen more dicks in the streets than at urinals.
In my experience the most common sighting of the men’s dicks in the bathroom is when some 60 year old is wandering around stark naked in the gym changing rooms. I think it’s a requirement past a certain age that you do that.
Hint all these people who are worried are the meat gazers. Same thing with the dudes who want to hang out as “guards”. Go in take a piss/shit then leave. In Europe they have these 4 way open urinals on the street walk up piss sun shining on your head, squirt of hand sanitizer. Back to the pub/work. No chaos ensued society was unaffected.
I’ve been to a handful of old athletic buildings that had trough urinal setups that made having peripheral vision basically a guarantee that you’ll catch a glimpse. A couple others that were circular but I wasn’t sure it wasn’t a sink so I left it alone.
Also improperly supervised kids who are almost tall enough for the urinal and entirely trop trow.Seeing random disinterested anatomy in passing doesn’t hurt anyone, so I don’t get why people get so worked up over it.
Seeing a penis is harmless. Being shown a penis is what can be messed up.
I dislike urinals.
They’re super good for efficiency though; water, time, and space efficiency. Particularly the modern ones that basically have a one-way fluid valve so they don’t require flushing. It’s unfortunate that not everyone can use them.
Because you have trouble sitting in them?
There should be two restrooms. One with only stalls, one with only urinals. That way we get the efficiency gains of urinals (very important at football stadiums), and nobody has to see a dick if they don’t want to.
Animal shithouses
Ohio deliberately structured their law to prevent this…
When I had digestive issues, I was a shy pooper, and just the thought of a stranger lady, let alone a stranger dude making eye contact thru the stall gap was… Unpleasant. Now that I learned very simple exercises to push the poop thru the intestines, and I drop human scat that could choke an anaconda. You are all welcome to bask in my glory in a unisex bathroom if that is truly what you wish.
stall gap
Just get rid of the door gap too. Having a gap in the bathroom stall instead of a proper door is an American thing, not a public rest room thing.
What’s the gap for anyway? Do they think someone’s going to lock themselves in and they’ll need to perform some commando rescue?
The doors can be unlocked from the outside anyway with a coin
It started as a cost savings measure for prefabricated bathroom hardware. Tight joints need to be precise and loose ones can work around existing stuff. If your 1913 factory bathroom has rough cement floor, needing to cut wood for a tight fit is expensive, but installing some posts and hanging wall panels from them to the walls doesn’t change in price. If your plumbing hardware isn’t under the floor or behind the wall you can just put the panel over the pipe, or in front of it. No floor corner means no dust buildup, just spray the whole thing down with a hose and let it dry or flow to a floor drain if you’re fancy.
For modern cost savings: if you have a 9" floor gap a much smaller bathroom qualifies as an ADA compliant accessible stall since it doesn’t block wheelchair users feet. Full length panels require a larger stall to allow the wheelchair user to turn the chair.All of that made it cheaper to have awful gaps, so people did. Now it’s cheaper to replace panels with equivalent ones, and use the most readily available cheap panel when building new bathrooms.
All the moral panic reasons are also true, but they’re the last step before"… And that makes costs go up". Drug use and lewd activity occupy stalls, which reduces availability which means you need more. Relaxed environment makes people take longer, which reduces availability.
The excuse is usually something about some moral panic like people doing drugs or having sex in the stalls.
Moral excuses aside, it’s money. Huge gaps means less material, one-size-fits-all installation, and arbitrary tolerances in production. Same reason the latches constantly break or get stuck - the whole setup is mass-produced as cheaply as possible.
But it’s not a good way to save money. On top of the obvious safety and privacy benefits, bathroom quality can completely change a person’ opinion of an establishment and is worth investing in.
There’s only really two things I want in life now.
Bathroom stalls that you can’t see in.
And to be an anaconda.
But if you’re an anaconda you’d get trapped in there without the gap.
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Guys aren’t whipping their dicks around like pool noodles in men’s restrooms.
Wait, what? Don’t you guys just whip’em out and have sword fights where you live?That’s what we do where I come from.
We twirl them like an idling Cessna while loudly discussing sports in front of the only sink where I come from.
I’m having a hard time seeing the issue here. Dads bring their kids to the bathroom too. And if you mean changing diapers, most changing stations are right next to the entrance.
You realize people go to the bathroom to pee and poop, right? Nobody’s slingin’ their dicks around and having sword fights.
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Just asking questions, huh?
Let me rephrase your question.
Why does a subset of women choose the women’s bathroom, instead of men’s bathroom?
Mhm I don’t know… Maybe… Just maybe… Because they are women? And they want to live their lives as what they are?
Not sure.
But OP wants there to be unisex bathrooms, and the reason for this entire comment thread, and that’s in direct contrast to what you just said, wouldn’t this subset still want there to be women only bathrooms if they want to live their lives as what they are, without having to share the bathroom with men? * edit: not sure
Yeah they would want to live as other women do. They, as women, would do as other women would do and go to the unisex toilet.
There are some unisex toilets, cis and trans women have happily used these toilets.
I am interested in that direct contrast, wanna explain?
Single-person bathrooms? Of course. Multi-person use? How many of y’all women want to share a confined space with random men?
Are you concerned the women are going to be attacked in the bathroom or is it about discovering that women also take shits?
My grandmother always said that women don’t fart, they toot. Didn’t exactly hold true when she ripped one when she thought nobody would hear her.
Your dad probably said she wasn’t a whore either, but you should probably consult your grandfather.
I’ll go out on a limb here and guess the former
I dunno, maybe mothers aren’t going to want to bring their children into bathrooms men are whipping their dicks out in. Just a thought.
This is the second time you’ve commented about men “whipping their dicks out” in public restrooms.
You seem to have zero worries about men bringing their children into bathrooms where women are whipping their vag out though…
Is it because women don’t whip their vag out in public restrooms? Well, have I got news for you about what men go to the restroom for…
(Hint: it doesn’t involve whipping.)
it doesn’t involve whipping
I dunno. When I shake my dick after peeing, I like it to make a sonic boom.
Question how many dicks have you seen out in the men’s room?
I think you just need to stop doing that, as nobody else seems to be responding positively to the idea.
What about fathers with children? My dad brought his young daughters into the men’s room when we were out in public, because supervision is more important than the other patrons.
Why don’t you ask Trans Women why they don’t want to use the Men’s room any longer. Seems if there was no issue with men, I dunno, often found washing their cock, balls and assholes in the bathroom sinks, and OP’s idea that we can all be kumbaya in a Unisex bathroom, Trans Women would want to spearhead the movement, by using the Men’s rooms, but they don’t want to, and there’s an excellent reason they don’t.
That reason is that they don’t want to other themselves. If there’s no gender connotation with the room you choose, there’s no issue. Trans people are absolutely pushing for unisex bathrooms, and most women (cis and trans) are willing to use the men’s room when the other line is long enough.
I’ve seen women doing the same thing in bathrooms, because everyone is sometimes a mess, regardless of gender.
What the fuck are you on about? Which third world do you come from where people are washing their assholes in the sink? Trans women don’t want to use the mens rooms for the same reason it was dangerous to be openly gay in the 80s.
Wait till you realize a little plastic sign doesn’t prevent an assault.
But it keeps out around 50% of the population whose presence would deter assault. People usually don’t get assaulted in a place with a lot of random witnesses.
I’m glad you have zero idea about how crime works it’s actually refreshing. Just how many rapes do you think are random. Don’t most victims know their assailant?
We are talking about public toilets. The “random” people are stranger going for a pee.
I was agreeing with you. I was saying that other e.g. men would walk into the toilets, so the criminal wouldn’t be alone with the victim and the criminal obviously doesn’t care about the rules. But the random e.g. men that wouldn’t enter as it is a women’s bathroom, but if it is unisex, those men would enter and would deter some crimes as there would be a witness.
Listen nobody has to take a shit and thinks you know what while I’m in here I could go for a random rape was my point. Fucking approaching zero percent.
Yeah, that isn’t what I am saying.
I am still talking about random people who would witness whatever the fuck someone would want to do there.
I ain’t getting involved in anyone else’s shit. Literally.
I’m probably out of touch but…what do we actually expect to happen?
Would guys be embarrassed that random girls might see their dick at a urinal?
Do we expect random sex in public bathrooms?
Disclosure that I do not have a dick.
Some people seem to think that public toilets need urinals and that urinals couldn’t be at e.g. the end of the toilet behind a cover, so people don’t have an accidental peek on a dick.
On entry, A sideview of the urinals and potential dicks are mandatory. If not at least 6 women see me pee against their will, I will sue the government. Look at my dick, woman!!!/s
People are just weird and can imagine that, like you don’t go out of your way to look at people change in locker rooms, you don’t go out of your way to see dicks on a public bathroom and that obviously unisex toilets would change how we build toilets.
As a man, I haven’t seen an other man’s dick on the toilet in months… Honestly I think years but I don’t want to lie.
Why is a “girl” standing next to me at the urinal? Lol oh Thailand you got me again.
I absolutely would not care in the slightest. If they get weird or handsy they are getting pepper spray and charges pressed.
Edit: typo
And at the same time if you had a bunch of other guys in the bathroom to beat his ass that’d be a plus too. I ain’t afraid to punch a pervert in his stupid face.
I think you mean handsy, handsome folk can’t help being handsome
Yeah. Autocorrect got me. Thanks.
Well, if they don’t find you handsome, hopefully they’ll find you handy… just gotta keep a roll of duck tape for emergencies.
You’re right, I can’t help it.
Well with the bathrooms divided shitty things already happen. I’d actually like to counter your point and say this’ll actually improve the issue. If someone has a bunch of guys ready to beat their ass if they do something fucked up, they might decide against it. Literally everyone in that bathroom would have to be a piece of shit person to let something like that happen whereas right now you just need one piece of shit to sneak into the other bathroom.
Say you’ve never been to NYC without saying it, you ever walked by a homeless guy jacking off? I’m also distrusting your “group of guys ready to beat ass hanging out in the bathroom.” Who signs up for that bedside weird perverts?
A random homeless dude jerking off in the streets is not even in the same ballpark as someone getting raped in a bathroom, cmon. And it’s not something you “sign up for”, if you’re not a piece of shit, you see someone in danger that you can maybe help, you try to help them. They aren’t saying there’s literally just a group of dudes sitting in a bathroom waiting for someone to try something, they’re saying in a bathroom full of dudes, there’s a pretty high chance if something does happen, they’re not all going to just sit around or walk out.
Lol your fucking weird. Enjoy homeless dudes jerking off your super friends in the bathroom.
Uhh… ok? Not sure what I did to offend you, but sorry, I think…
Edit: can someone else tell me what’s weird? I don’t think anyone would compare seeing a mentally unwell person fondling their wiener to getting straight up assaulted, and I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t try to stop someone from being assaulted if they could help. Where am I off?
Nah, don’t listen to them. You got it right.
The first recruit! Your gonna have so much fun in that bathroom beating asses and jerking off with homeless dudes because that’s totally not sexual assault.
Maybe just better Multiperson bathrooms or single person only?
Honestly Bukiees the gas station, has a pretty great Multiperson bathroom experience. Add just a little more to that so that they washing area can be fully public (i.e. cameras), and for some places with less traffic some occupancy sensors for the toilet rooms, and bam. We can have private, safe feeling bathrooms that can handle higher volumes. No need to have people feel like their in little assault traps regardless of gender.