And here I thought DVI offered lossless signal transmission
Well done now get out
Also in the larger pin array
whoa nice!
For all who do not understand it:
they even did it twice to drive the point home…jeez
Took a bit for the first, missed the other one. Damn.
I appreciate the quality of this image. The joke would’ve been conoletely loss if it had been a shitty jpeg
Just wait for a couple of more reposts
DVI-L? More like DVI-Loss
Ah ty for the clue
Yeah I got it when I realized there’s no such thing as DVI-L haha
What am I supposed to… You sneaky bastard.
I need to cut down on my internet consumption.
It’s loss isn’t it…
This cant be
This is AI generated for sure
Yep. The warbled surface defects are a dead giveaway
I dunno, it could be, but at some point it becomes easier to just photoshop something than to try and talk an AI into replicating some hyper-specific arrangement of tiny elements of a picture.
I there’s a loss in signal during game play, you lose the game
I still don’t get it
The pins are Loss
I still don’t get it…
I didn’t get it either, so I tried googling “Loss”.
I think it’s to do with this thing. Specifically the alignment of the little pins in the DVI port seem to be the same as for the “minimalist version of Loss” thing mentioned there on the wiki.
I have a hazy recollection of that comic from way back yonder, and it causing some sort of a hassle. Apparently the minimalist version is some meme, now? Or always has been?
Wow, I’m impressed you’ve been able to avoid Loss for so long.
I’ve also never seen it before now …
Me neither. I’m not sure how that makes me feel.
Thank you for this context. I was truly at a loss.
Yep, this. In a couple places on the image at least. Thank you for connecting the lines and dots.
To answer your question, the loss meme started almost immediately after the original comic was released. It ebbs and flows in popularity, but seems to be something the internet can’t let go of. Lemmy has a particular fetish for it.
I imagine that it is a particular crowd that is present on lemmy that holds on to this one, as I have not seen a Loss meme since 2011. Probably older americans working in tech is my best guess; especially those who consumed web comics from back in the day.
It’s about Loss mate. ( I have no idea either. )
deep inhale … slow exhale Give me strength.
I love loss memes, keep em coming