Concerning that it wasn’t 100.
It seems to be a pretty consistent rule around the world that about 1/3 of people are complete morons. Only 15% being for it is probably a good sign.
In commercial/political polling, they call it the lizard man constant. 5% will always agree, even if the question is something like “are you a lizard man”.
Only 15% is a resounding rejection, honestly. The media was making it sound like there was actual mainstream debate within Greenland.
The Media is sane washing Trump. The Media is owned by the oligarchs who run this country. What NBC, CBS, ABC, and FOX say is reality is not necessarily speaking real. I’m afraid that in troubled times it falls on each of us to become a historian, journalist, propagandist, and warrior all wrapped into one
Sane washing is a good way to put it, actually. They’re trying to write about Trump’s rambling like it’s a new and valid perspective on the world. It’s not, and his supporters even know that for the most part.
I don’t even use American outlets. Educated, well-off people across the West are still in some kind of weird denial, a near-decade into the madness.
Even NPR and PBS have gone a little sus. And look. We do need to talk about what it is about Trump that keeps clicking, what is going on with Americans that he resonates so strongly (despite so clearly being horrible and a sharp worsening of everything everywhere). But we can have that conversation without taking something he says and saying “Huh. That’s interesting. Is there any validity to that?”
No. You don’t have to report on him like a normal politician. You don’t have to default to treating what he says like it’s probably valid. You can rightly and justly act like he’s a weird shit cunt who just says whatever to see what lands with people, and then just keeps repeating those verbal tics people liked.
And this rings true for so much of American politics. We treat every political corruption scandal past watergate like it’s a complex web of people and we don’t know who knows what. The Iran-Contra scandal, the 2003 invasion of Iraq, russian collusion, the coup, voter surpression and the rise of right wing politics globally and at home, are actually all VERY simple when you get right down to it. But the media acts like it’s complicated and hard to understand so the populace thinks it’s complicated and hard to understand.
The simple truth is this: we live in a global system of torture. Every day you go to work and do your job and struggle to afford groceries, you are getting tortured. You are getting tortured slowly. But you are surely getting tortured. Your work is boring and demeaning, and it doesn’t contribute in any real way to causes you care about. Your boss makes more money than you do despite you doing the work. Their boss makes a fortune despite not even knowing what it is you do. You go to the grocery store on the way home. The produce was grown with prison labor, the coffee was grown with slave labor, and everything else was grown with refugee migrant labor. To heat your house you need electricity or natural gas. The minerals used to make this happen were extracted at the price of blood from someone just like you in another part of the world (Appalachia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan all come to mind). Your government kills anyone who tries to resist against these extraction economies. The imperial powers of China, Russia, and the United States battle over extraction economies that aren’t fully at scale yet (Ukraine, the Congo, Afghanistan all come to mind).
The secret to getting consent for all this from the populaces of the countries doing the torture is to make it seem like the torture is incomprehensibly far away from you, and that the imperial power over you is who is protecting you from it. Maybe they declare they’re taking action to protect against terrorism following an apartment bombing in Chechnya. Maybe their friends in Israel provide information about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq. The important thing is they go do their imperialism so they can keep torturing you while saying they do it to keep you safe.
But now the torture is here. In your neighborhood. The pretenses are gone. The world can all plainly see that the genocides that have been cropping up across the globe in Gaza, Darfur, Ukraine, Myanmar, Xinjiang, Ethiopia, Iraq, Syria, the Congo, Rwanda, Bosnia, Somalia, Zimbabwe, Beirut, Cambodia, East Timor, Uganda, Burundi, Bangladesh, Zanzibar, Guatemala, Chechnya, Crimea, and Poland AFTER the Holocaust are ultimately all part of a single unending war between those with power who shouldn’t wield it, and those without power who don’t want it. The entire planet has been locked into a growth mindset where the success of a country is measured by its GDP and not by the quality of life of its worst of citizen, and the easiest way to maintain that is to just keep on killing.
And some of the people who are about to be victimized by the torture voted for it, asked for it. They wanted it because they thought it was too far away to be truly real. They thought people like us, people saying “No it’s real, and we have a moral obligation to do something about it” were exaggerating and fear mongering. Well now it’s fucking here, and those of us who been saying it’s real are first in line to get fucked. Soooooo… IDK, fuck fascists I guess. Done molly cottling them and trying to tell them they’re misdirecting their anger. They had their chance and they fucked it, and now I’m who’s getting fucked by it.
The quuuuuuuuill, spitting bars
Nice comment.
It’s not 15% in favor but 6%.
A Verian poll, commissioned by Danish newspaper Berlingske and Greenland’s Sermitsiaq publication, showed 85% of the population on the self-ruling Arctic territory don’t want to be part of the US. About 6% said they’d prefer the country over Denmark and 9% were undecided, according to the survey published Tuesday.
Ah, so the headline is misleading in Trump’s favor. Why am I not surprised?
Probably mostly to create engagement, and it worked.
Lol, so what’s actually going on according to that, then, is that 85% are against it, 10% think it’s a bad idea but are trying to keep an open mind, and 5% are lizard men.
The controversy exists only in Western news offices.
Interesting! I looked it up and the lizardman constant appears to be 4%; not too far from the 6% of Greenlanders in favor of selling their country.’s_Constant
OTOH, there’s this theory among …certain Americans… that you only need 3% in favor to stage a successful revolution. So, Greenland seems ripe for a little CIA drama.
Do they actually think you only need 3% support? I thought it was more like 3% active support, and majority passive support (no “sticking their neck out”), which is roughly historically accurate for basically every insurgency (at least in that insurgency’s target communities).
Sure, plantation and business owners are enough. They have the local money and control people’s incomes. They can fund/extort/exploit to get it done. They have the pineapples/bananas They’re also more likely sociopaths ready to prioritize personal enrichment over social well being
Does anyone have historical numbers?
The media in my country didn’t hide that the USA are run by a lying idiot.
Which country?
Germany. It might be the media mix I’m ingesting, but those sources are pretty open about their opinion on Elon’s first boyfriend.
Hmm. Maybe I should restrict that to Anglo countries, then. I thought it would be similar in continental Europe but maybe not.
Why hasn’t Germany implemented more aggressive policies on the matter, then?
If you read the article, 9% are undecided.
Only 6% were for it.
There’s always going to be 1/3 who are dumber than the other 2/3’s, or in this case ~15%!
Pity that the stat is higher than 50% in the US.
Depends on how you worded it.
- if there were widespread popular support in Greenland for joining the US and a majority voted to petition it and Denmark agreed, I might be in the 50% to welcome them.
- since that’s a total fiction and this is more personal empire building to be imposed regardless what the people there think, I’m in the 50% thinking what is this shit?
I’m not talking about Greenland. Over 50% of Americans are idiots because in a two party system, they have actively voted in a dictator or withheld their vote resulting in not only the U.S. but world suffering.
Nah, like 20% of people everywhere are just dumb as rocks - in the US it looks like it’s grown to be at least 35%… but there’s no place on earth free of idiots.
Oh also, there’s some small percentage of people that are just edgelords… whether you count these people as idiots is probably determined by how recently you were a teenager (yes, we were all dumb once)
6% were in favor.
I’m surprised it was that high.
It’s basically little more than statistical noise at that point. You can always get 4% of people to agree to something.
Basically lizard man’s constant
Pretty much
I can’t think of a single thing that 100% of people from any decently sized group will agree on. Some will just pick the opposite to be contrarian. Some just don’t care.
The Lizardman Constant is about 4%. So that leaves 11% unaccounted for.
According to the reporting, after dealing with Danish colonisation some Greenlanders see the US as (still) less imperialist than Denmark. The grass is always greener on the other side, basically.
Good to know that the vast majority understand that’s BS.
Replacing your current shitty imperial power with a foreign imperial power never goes good
cough North Africa cough
Thank you for that lol. Now I have a term for those types of answers.
TIL, Thanks!
Yeah, you get some silly answers from a small percent of the population, like this one:
Seven percent of all American adults believe that chocolate milk comes from brown cows, according to a nationally representative online survey commissioned by the Innovation Center of U.S. Dairy.
I am choosing to believe that 7% of American adults think it’s funny to answer questions like that. Even though I know it’s wrong. God dammit.
Our education system is just cooked huh.
I have neighbors that still think toadstools and warts come from toads.
Ehhhh that one is more forgivable in my opinion. Folk tales and the like tend to last longer just because people keep repeating it. Some of them as a joke.
The chocolate milk brown cow thing is a fundamental lack of logic and critical thinking.
I’m not sure I’d trust the results at all if they said 100% of people polled voted the same way…
Might be because Trump threatened them.
Almost every european state has the far-right cancer (to varying degree, but nowadays unfortunately often 2 percent digits), which AFAICS are pro-Trump. I don’t think it’s any different in Greenland…
“Please, America. Take away our healthcare. Not just for us, but for our descendants!”
fuck, i’m IN the u.s. and i’m against joining the u.s.
Can we leave and join Denmark?
If you leave out the 9% of undecided voters, the poll is 93.4% against joining the US.
But the poll is also just a representative sample of 497 people, just about 0.88% of the greenland population. So an actual vote might be very different. The poll claims to have an uncertainty between “1.9 and 4.4 percentage points”, so the result could be as high as 98% against joining the US
Maybe one day the people in the USA will reject the malignant tumor named Donald Trump
The only positive thing about Trump really is, that he’s old, and with his lifestyle may not live that long anymore.
But even then, the damage he’s already done, and does in the future may prove to be permanent for the foreseeable future…
JD Vance is waiting on the wings.
Anyways, it’s not Trump making these decisions. He’s just signing whatever the Heritage Foundation puts in front of him. Trump isn’t even capable of actually writing an executive order.
He’s too vital to hope for a biological solution anytime soon.
Terrible people live long, Strom Thurmond lived to be a hundred
If you are a religious person the following from the Quran might provide some comfort:
And let not the disbelievers think that Our postponing of their punishment is good for them. We postpone the punishment only so that they may increase in sinfulness. And for them is a disgracing torment. (3:178)
I don’t think Trump increasing in sinfulness is a good thing.
It is not a good thing for his victims, that’s for certain, just like the pharaoh. But God is allowing him to commit countless sins so that he will never be forgiven and that he will deserve a severe punishment.
The pharaoh drowned, maybe climate change will make Mar-a-Lago under water and Trump will drown with it.
As I write all of this, I don’t actually believe in any of it. Just an amusing thought.
Edit: Lemmy, where we downvote amusing theological thoughts. Trump is going to hell, what more do you want?
Imagine getting Eric or Don Jr as president
Next up: Trump declares Greenland a terrorist organization
Just “clean Geenland out”, I guess.
Nuke Nuuk.
Can we join Greenland instead? If they’re majorly rejecting trump then they’re smarter than the majority of voters in the US.
I would take Danish residence over US residence, too.
I’m surprised that it wasn’t higher
As an American, I strongly recommend that all Greenlanders oppose joining our shit show. I wish I could leave.
For those who want to read longer, the original article in Berlingske. Not paywalled:
WTF is wrong with the other 15%
Probably people who think there is a financial benefit to them if it were to happen
Good odds Trump would fully deport the entire population.
Inuit are 89.7% of the population. So probably more like more like 89.8% will get deported. The 39 people there who are US citizens are probably okay tho
It’s those homeless guys they bought dinner for
Exactly, it’s like fifteen idiots in a diner.
I think they would just ignore Trump. It’s bad for your health to answer to such people like him. He’s a narcissist.
I hope they’re not forced to join us anyway…
I’m shocked that it’s that low.
Edit: Oh, hang on.
Note: The poll conducted by Verian had 497 web interviews Jan. 22-26, among representative samples of Greenlandic citizens aged 18 or older. Statistical uncertainty on the responses is about 3.1 percentage points.
So this is meaningless.
There’s only about 56,000 people in Greenland. While the standard is 1,000 people in a sample at some point you start having difficulty getting to 1,000.