
Donald Trump signed an executive order declaring only two sexes, male and female, based on reproductive cells at conception, banning gender-affirming care, and limiting federal recognition of gender diversity.

Experts, including Dr. Richard Bribiescas, president of the Human Biology Association, criticized the policy as nonsensical, stating, “Clearly, this order is not fully informed by current biological science.”

Biologists noted the order oversimplifies human biology, ignores intersex individuals, and conflates sex and gender.

Critics warned it advances anti-trans rhetoric and risks legal challenges.

    2 months ago

    Ah, yes.

    Trump will surely change his mind after reading their sternly written letter, because as we all know, Trump truly cares about science.

      312 months ago

      Changing his mind isn’t the goal. He constantly already does that for the highest bidder. The people who have to enforce this stuff and the courts that have to rule on it are the ones who need to be well aware of its nonsense, and the bigger of a mess that causes, the better.

    • Ænima
      32 months ago

      And he can’t read, at least not big words with more than 2 syllables.

    2 months ago

    conflates sex and gender

    I read the order. It explicitly avoids defining gender and says that only sex should be used everywhere (which it does define, but incorrectly).

    It basically says that the government doesn’t care about your gender, they just want to know what’s in your pants (or used to be).

      582 months ago

      they just want to know what’s in your pants (or used to be).

      At the moment of conception…

      Of course that’s the real poison pill of this. The real intention is to declare personhood at conception… and pave the way for the nation wide abortion ban. Making things worse for trans people, is just the decoy.

      • nocturne
        252 months ago

        At the moment of conception…

        Doesn’t everyone start out female and then become male or stay female?

        • NaibofTabr
          302 months ago

          Conception is literally the point when the sperm fertilizes the egg:

          Conception (or fertilization) is when sperm and an egg join together.


          At that point it’s not anything, it’s just a fertilized egg. Assigning a sex to it makes no sense at all.

            • NaibofTabr
              172 months ago

              At conception, yes, there is no sexual differentiation. In humans the SRY protein is responsible for a fetus developing male sexual characteristics. The effects of this gene are expressed after week 6 of development:

              SRY gene effects normally take place 6–8 weeks after fetus formation which inhibits the female anatomical structural growth in males. It also works towards developing the secondary sexual characteristics of males.

              That is, at least a month and a half after conception.

              -82 months ago

              The EO doesn’t depend on a zygote having completed sexual differentiation, but memes about it are dominating the conversation anyway because nobody under 30 was taught how to read in school and twitter-brained bad faith misinterpretations are the new standard for dialogue.

                72 months ago

                **TL;DR: The issue is that there is no “good faith” interpretation of the text for anybody who studied 11th grade biology or above. **

                It essentially makes a bunch of statements and assumptions with very very concrete omissions:

                1. The zygote (fertilized egg) is a “person”. It’s a philosophical question, but considering that in IVF studies, successful implantation rates are around 10-15% (implantation does not guarantee survival past the 3rd trimester). So it’s actually very unlikely that the particular zygote will become a human being with agency. So good faith arguments would argue for special protections, but not personhood to it and that’s how you spot that the endgame is to use this false argument to override the agency of the actual person carrying the pregnancy.

                **2. There is no sex assigned at conception. ** A single-cell zygote only has 2 sex-specific parameters: sex chromosome sets (or the lack thereof), and DNA methylation patterns. Neither of those guarantee manifestation of a male or female phenotype. So based on that, we are all asexual. The default sex for humans is actually female, and the primary function of the Y chromosome is to inhibit the development of the female form signs of that initiate in everyone first. So by that default, we are all female. And then the best faith assumption is that they mean is chromosomally determined sex at conception, but chromosome variations like XXY and XYY aren’t uncommon, and there are conditions where male chromosome sets yield female phenotype due to testosterone insensitivity (see testicular feminisation).

                So no, the EO reads like someone trying to make biological definitions who has a <11th grade understanding of biology.

                  02 months ago

                  I have a biology degree. I took developmental. The textbook is right here on the shelf next to my desk. I am perfectly well aware of how embryonic development of the sexual system in mammals works. Incidentally, you’ve managed to get it wrong, but I’m not going to get into it here because it has nothing to with the point in my post which was about reading comprehension and what the text actually says. The definitions contained in the text of the EO read:

                  (d) “Female” means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell.

                  (e) “Male” means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the small reproductive cell.


                  The structure of the sentences clearly indicates the ‘belonging’ occurs ‘at conception’, not the production of disparately sized cells. When the production occurs is not specified at all and nothing in the definition depends upon when it occurs, merely that it does at some point. This creates it own set of problems, but not the ones everyone is pointing and laughing at.

              52 months ago

              As far as I an aware, yes. But the degree did not mention chromosomes, but rather

              the sex that produces the large reproductive cell And the sex that produces the small reproductive cell

        32 months ago

        If they declare personhood at conception some pregnant women should demand to be allowed to purchase a life insurance policy, and immediately sue when denied.

          72 months ago

          The levels of chaos that can come from this are off the charts… Yeah someone can purchase life insurance on an unborn child… at the same time every miscarriage is on the board for manslaughter/homicide, basically leading mothers to prove that the miscariages were not intended or negligent. The ramifications and definitions of things are outright terrifying.

    272 months ago

    Imagine; all of this to prevent trans folks from using the women’s restroom… but now we can all use the women’s restroom by way of Executive Order. What a time to be alive!

      112 months ago

      I’m pretty sure now we all MUST use the women’s restroom as we’re all legally female.

    222 months ago

    Executive order ‘ripped’, or maybe ‘blasted’ or whatever the latest word for ‘we made some tiny lil vid or headline saying maybe it wasn’t the best.’ I’m so sick of it. Sick of the way media portrays things. That’s it, the media has been SLAMMED by me, ripped, blasted, smoked! Whatever bullshit that basically means ‘we disagree, but have no teeth’ bleh

      22 months ago

      Right? Add to that, that the reasoning they always use is reasoning that no longer applies.

      Stop wasting time with open letters, and arguing about the wording of laws and orders whose intents are crystal clear, and will be carried out in the way it was always intended regardless of any stupid fucking technicality you think you found.

      -262 months ago

      I don’t necessarily support the law, but your take saying “everyone is legally nonbinary” is ridiculous. At conception, if you were able to remove and examine the genetic material in the cell, it would absolutely be apparent if it was XY or XX.

      I love bashing Trump and his idiocy… but this is definitely not the way. It’s embarrassing for us liberals…

        322 months ago

        You’re talking about genotype. They define sex based on phenotype. It assumes that the genotype can only be binary (it can be X0, XXY, XYY etc). It also assumes that genotype equates with phenotype, which is also wrong given in utero hormonal exposures, testosterone insensitivity, etc.

        The WH definition makes no sense for anybody familiar with biology beyond 10th grade level.

        2 months ago

        Your karyotype doesn’t determine what kind of gamete you produce.

        See for example

        AFAIK we don’t have any way to determine this before sex differentiation actually occurs. When sex differentiation occurs it happens as a response to hormones, not karyotype. It’s possible that environment could be the determining factor, as is the case with freemartins.

        So no, it’s not an exaggeration nor embarrassing to say that nobody meets the order’s definition of male or female.

          42 months ago

          The WH accidentally invented Schrödinger’s Sex.

          Of course it’s also wrong because unlike dead/alive sex is a bimodally distributed continuum we binarize for simplicity. Also, don’t look up the Schrödinger dude’s sexual preferences because you’ll puke. But that stays on brand too.

      • Grail (capitalised)
        52 months ago

        However, the law doesn’t talk about genotype. It talks about gametes. Embryos don’t produce gametes. The law does not specify a difference.

            32 months ago

            Your point is taken poorly because you raise issue with people giving deservedly nonsensical interpretations to a nonsensical definition, while giving a pass on WH calling their definition an “incontrovertible biological truth”.

      2 months ago

      Everyone who does not fit into their categories, and everyone who cares about people who don’t fit into their categories, needs to understand that you don’t and can’t fight Nazis by proving them wrong in an argument. You have to fight Nazis by fighting them. Also understand that you will be on their list of targeted “misfits” soon enough, so fight in solidarity with everyone who already is.

  • Zier
    112 months ago

    As usual President Felon is talking out his ass, doing nothing for Americans, and being led by the nose by christian fascists. Someone please get that man 25 buckets of KFC. Cardiac event in 3-2…

  • Maeve
    62 months ago

    So they just denied the Judeo-Christian yhwh, because that being is androgyne.

    2 months ago

    Reminds me of the time someone wanted to define π = 3 because it would be more convenient to calcate with.

    (Except bigotry isn’t quite the same as convenience, except insofar that it conveniently avoids having to acknowledge complex social issues)

    -72 months ago

    It is possible to give someone a concussion with only words. The key is, saying something so ghastly against what they believe and backing it up with as much fact as possible they literally concuss themselves with the fight they produce in their own mind against the encroaching reality they simply don’t want to believe exists. That girl that’s being mean to you when you haven’t even talked to her. Tell her when she turns 30 the only men interested in her will be college guys that want to run a train. At 40 she’ll need a friend to come along or they won’t join. This crushes her self image of an “alpha sexual being” and forces the reality she is actually an aging mortal with a ticking clock on her ovaries. You should play with your own variation because if everyone says what I said, it loses potency. Kinda how calling them future cat ladies doesn’t bite as much as it did in the 80’s because everyone did it. Or calling everyone a Nazi loses potency when you do it all the time. Think along the lines of actually plausible. “When you turn 40 you better have a good education you’ll need it to pay for sex”, or, “you’re so stupid you’re definitely walking in a snow storm for groceries for you and your senior cat when you’re no longer pretty enough to get guys to do it for you.” Give them a chance to process, and don’t even try to talk to them after, let them retreat to their friends and adapt to their new existence. They might do baby talk. Its hilarious. I hope someone verbally concusses trump. He has earned it. Idk with his age and past covid exposure if he would be fit to do more than drool… Probably work if someone had hunter biden level evidence against one of trumps kids. Messes up his dynasty.