in the name of the moon, i’ll blaze you
I wish I could!
Drink and I get insomnia. Smoke and I immediately get a panic attack regardless of CBD to THC ratio… Could be 99% CBD bud with a sprinkle of THC bud and I’ll still get a panic attack.
Stupid body forcing me be all healthy and shit lol I don’t wanna!
I mean that doesn’t make anyone healthy
I had a friend who had that exact same reaction THC: A few puffs and extreme racing heart and panic attack. The worst reaction I had was bad vertigo kinda like the rollercoaster you have when you had too much to drink and lie down but without the extreme nausea… It’s so weird how differently people react to this drug…
Delta8 was great if you could find anything of quality. Just enough head high but same body buzz as conventional, and can even be made from cheap bulk cbd and acid IN A LAB. Too much money in legalizing/taxing conventional bud though. At least done states have D9 at comparable rates
I used to get D8 until NY legalized D9 then they made D8 illegal… lol
It definitely was great though!
“Going out to the copium den. Don’t know when I’ll be home.”
May I have one of your finest Marijuana cigarettes, please?
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