Walz puts his cart back. Vance leaves it sitting in the parking spot next to him.
And it rolls into some poor person’s old beater car and scratches it.
If he notices, he chuckles to himself. But I’m feeling like he wouldn’t care enough to notice which direction the cart goes, as long as it doesn’t inconvenience him.
He just lets go of the cart and what happens happens.
Vance parks in the crosshatches next to the disabled space during a snowstorm so I have to go back into the store again to have him paged so I can access my car in my wheelchair. He then takes 20 minutes to finish shopping before coming out, and acts like I’m the one who inconvenienced him by making him rush. (Yes, this actually happened. It wasn’t Vance, but someone like him.)
Where I live that AH would get a fine of at least 55€ and get towed (adding >150€ to the bill). That should help learning not to repeat that behavior.
Yeah, I live in The Land of the Free™ (to be a complete arsehole).
I dunno, Vance seems more like the sorta guy that would take the raw chicken into the restroom and pull the couch maneuver…
… eww
Right but wow I didn’t want to imagine that.
Commenting on your post so you get a notification and imagine that again
Imagine what? What was this comment again?
Damn, wish I could upvote this comment twice!
Cream filled chicken.
And then put it back.
Hittin it raw
Hides the chicken behind something because he’s embarrassed by leaving it so nobody finds it until it starts to rot 🤢🤮
Not because he’s embarrassed, but because he wants employees to suffer.
Hiding it requires caring, even if in a negative manner. People like him simply don’t care at all, at least to an individual level. Why should the aristocracy care about the help?
The poor, as an amalgam, are vaguely worth caring about it, taking $50 off of 1 million people is actually worth the effort. After all, $50 is next to nothing. Who would even notice the difference?
In many ways, amoral indifference is far more horrifying than active evil. No one sees themselves as the villain of their own story. Crushing ants also doesn’t make you evil (though the ants will strongly disagree).
Probably played reverse Easter with that tray of eggs once the camera cut out
Some dickhead once left two 6pks of raw chicken breast in my humongous bin of yams. I came in the following morning to find the fucking juicefest. I had to throw away all of it. Probably 160lbs of yams/sweet potatoes.
Like how hard is it to walk it back?
Or, fuck, at least take it up front when you check out and just say you didn’t want it. When I worked at a grocery store we’d just run it back to where it should go.
These same people probably leave their carts wherethefuckever too.
*drive your Little Rascal back
counterpoint: fuck the corps
You have no idea if this was as a bigbox store or a local place
Ordinary people are the ones who have to deal with that kind of stupid problem, not the suits in an office park somewhere.
That’s not how you fuck over corporations anyhow, you’re just raising the cost of goods for everyone with no upside. You fuck over the corporations by breaking up monopolies, installing Medicare for All, changing way unions work to make them easier to form and run, make worker co-ops more legally exciting, and require all publicly owned companies to pay out at least 1% of their annual gross profit in dividends each year, among other things.
put the raw chicken in am exec’s tesla
Fill their cybertruck with rancid meat
You could just steal it instead of wasting it
counter-counterpoint: fuck people who intentionally waste food.
Yeah, fuck my small grocery store! That’ll teach the cunts!
I worked in a grocery store for a while. There was something smelly in the store and it took us a couple days to find it. Someone hid some meat (it might have been shrimp and/or beef) they didn’t want behind 4 bags of dog food at the very back of the shelf.
JD Vance is a man in deep shopping cart return debt
I would pay to see cart narc take on JD
So you know, if you have taken a perishable item from a cooler in a grocery store and later decide that you don’t want it, the store has to throw it away.
I’ve worked in a lot of grocery stores in multiple states for over a decade and this has never been true in my experience. Staff puts their hand on it, if its cold it goes back in the cooler, if it’s warm it gets tossed. It is not a definite garbage item despite the lingering urban myth. If it is true its a store policy at one company, and it must be regional because no major national chain does this.
I work at a grocery store now and what you say is still true.
Items are only thrown out if they’ve been removed from the store before returning.
Why I always put it back.
JD Vance doesn’t know how to order donuts at a donut shop.
He doesn’t do his own shopping.
JD Vance walks into a supermarket: “Excuse me, how long have you worked here? Can you provide me a basket of groceries? Put in what’s reasonable.”
Is this tweet going to be used in political science textbooks in the future to describe the political landscape and its intersection with meme culture?
Yep if you’re comment is good enough they’ll include it in the post capitalism reeducation text book, good lucky buddy.
goofus and gallant reborn for a new age
Except a lot of the time Gallant wasn’t even being virtuous, just blindly obedient…
don’t do what johnny don’t does
They could’ve made this clearer.
some drumsticks, some wings… beaks, whatever makes sense…
I’d picture him as the kinda guy that would just make his wife do the shopping. Then if he had to he would make her set up a Walmart grocery pickup and berate the worker while the poor soul loads his groceries in the back of his pickup truck or whstever.
And he would lose his shit if his wife dares ask him to pick up period products and sulks at the discount furniture warehouse with those nasty cheap couches, where the manager looks the other way if you slip him a $50.
I bet he doesn’t even use the bed of his pickup
He’d open the raw chicken and leave separate breasts individually on each aisle after deciding he didn’t want it. If JD can’t have it, no one can.
It’s interesting that with the new affidavit leak, just a few years ago he was a never-Trump moderate, and now he’s distinguished himself as one of the most vile, feckless, shameless chuds in the game.
As an Ohioan it was always clear he was a disgusting freak, there was a lot of discussion about him when his elitist couch-cucking manifesto was released, but he’s really turned up the volume on the worst parts of Republican discourse. Just goes to show what “mainstream” conservative discourse is, and where it is headed – as well as what the backlash will be if they keep on it.
Ugh… this reminds me of the time I spotted some hotdogs tucked into a non-refrigerated endcap at a local store. Since they were already room temperature (and as such no longer food safe) I just left them there with the assumption that the staff would clean them up after hours. I went back to the store about a week later and noticed the hot dogs were still there.
having worked in retail, ain’t got no time for that
currently working in a grocery store. I hardly got time to piss
Who doesn’t have time for a hot dog?!
The $7.25 an hr employee
Kamala seems like someone who can make a bang on spaghetti. Trump eats his steaks well done.
Trump eating steak? Nah. Still too sophisticated.
This is a guy who bought Fast Food as a celebration.
Here’s the idiot eating McDonald’s while visiting Japan’s Prime Minister.
Visiting Japan and he eats McDonald’s…. what a fucking heathen. He is known for liking well done steaks with ketchup too, though.
Well done and drowned in tomato sauce.
Tomato ketchup straight from McDonald’s packets. And ofcourse he uses the Fancy Ketchup, because he’s classy.