Saving this for when people ask why I need root access on my devices.
Lol I love the “You don’t need root on modern Android, it does all the things you used to root for!” People. No, no it doesn’t lmao
That’s generally what you hear from people who have basic use cases and simply can’t fathom other people may want or need different things from their devices.
Which is fine, they don’t have to understand. If stock is good enough for them nowadays, more power to them.
What I’m sick of is the condescension. This bizarre thing where they somehow think a person wanting control over a device they paid for is worthy of derision or shame.
It’s like if someone who only checks their email on their laptop laughing at someone using a desktop for heavier work, for no real reason other than thinking using technology differently than themselves is silly.
That other comment is a perfect example, and indictive of this weird subculture in Android spaces that hates Google but seems to be drinking from the same user-hostile Kool aid.
Personally, I’m an odd case, in that I didn’t used to root or use custom ROMs at all until recent years. Basically since Android 10, simply to get around the needless roadblocks and restore the functions I want. I was fine with stock for a long time, until Google started becoming Apple.
There are dozens of you, dozens I say!
150k users out of billions devices.
Y’all really dig into these bubbles. 99.99975% of Android users agree, yes user space is fine.
Are you saying because Graphene is unrootable and 150k choose it means user space is fine?
Because those 150k made a choice to switch to a custom rom with the features built-in that they would typically need root for on ANY stock OEM rom, such as effective system-wide Adblocking
Ofc userspace is just fine in that scenario
Now, if you’re saying only 150k people choose to flash a custom rom out of billions of Android devices that userspace is just fine and dandy, that’s just misleading. An absolute ton of those billions of devices are most likely Samshits, which is actively hostile to user choice and rooting and does everything they can to stop it. Up to and including (like someone else commented here) using Knox to brick the phone.
Living with userspace because you can’t or don’t want to overcome your choosen OEMs blockers/hostility is NOT evidence that user space is just fine.
I’m pretty sure the poster you replied to is saying exact opposite. Using the number of graphene OS installs as a proxy for individuals with root access vs the number of users who haven’t modified their device in such a way.
Edit: Woop. I should read father next time, but yes I believe it is the second example.
But GrapheneOS is unrooteable by design…
I found that out way too late, but luckily didnt need root.
Yes, AOSP sucks, but at least its damn secure
*by default. It’s not “unrootable”, it’s just not recommended.
Yes know what, you’re correct I completely forgot.
So the actual number I posted with graphine being one of the most popular is way way less.
Brah, if you try and root many phones, shit like Knox fucking bricks your phone out of spite. They’ve been putting anti-consummer shit into devices for decades now, let’s not pretend that puts everyone in the same 99.9%.
That’s literal math above.
Who hurt you?
I’m sorry my data makes you feel like you must attack me. Sad.
Shit like this is why I can’t abide GrapheneOS or their cheerleaders.
It’s legitimately the same attitude as Google itself. This parental, condescending tone, acting as if wanting freedom to control their own devices is somehow irrational. Continuing to push this toxic idea that handcuffs are the only way to protect users. Like a sysadmin at a workplace, but without the justifiable reasons.
Dude, not having root is objectively safer, and grapheneOS is security first.
If you want a rom that gives you absolute freedom, there are those as well, but it’s not as secure.
P.S you can root grapheneOS, it’s just not recommended or catered to and while I don’t agree with their tone and the obfuscation of it, I don’t think it matters as it just completely goes against security.
For the vast majority of users it’s the best configuration. Google doesn’t cater to small user populations.
Yeah, but people installing GrapheneOS probably aren’t in the vast majority of users
I would love to have this for my smart tv remote that has dedicated buttons for subscription services I will never pay for. /me heads to thingiverse to search
Install a button remapper You can disable the buttons, or reuse them for custom actions :P
Please provide a link to a TV remote button remapper.
If you have a rooted webos tv there’s an app for this in the home brew channel
How do you install stuff when your USB drive “malfunctions” whenever you plug it into the TV?
You share the file via URL.
Hell yeah thanks
There’s a downloader app
For most squishy remotes, you can disable the buttons by taking the remote apart, and putting tape on the underside of the rubber button.
Boomer mode
Ok, now I kind of want this. I only have my PC connected to the TV, so I only need the power button, volume controls, settings and the D-Pad. A specialized cover would make hitting the right buttons in the dark much easier and also remove the ads disguised as buttons.
I figured out my tv starts on the last used channel if it receives power after a power cut. All I need to control it is a smart plug
The thing that bothers me whenever I see a TV remote is that there doesn’t seem to be a remote control with illuminated keys, like on a computer keyboard. That way you can see the buttons even under dim lit conditions. Also, why aren’t there any remotes with a built-in battery that could be charged like a smartphone?
I don’t own a TV, but I know that back in the days of bulky CRT TV’s there were some remotes that could be iluminated. White LEDs weren’t a thing back then, so they used incandescent lamps which drained the 9V battery fast.
Why aren’t back llit and rechargeable TV remotes a thing today, especially because white LED’s and batteries are quite efficient today?
deleted by creator
GE universal remotes did this and still do. They’re like $8 on Amazon.
If you want rechargeable batteries, just put some eneloop batteries (or some of the cheaper, rebranded ones) in the remote. They are not like the old NiMH batteries, they hold a charge for a years.
I certainly don’t want a remote that I have to throw out in a few years because the non-replaceable lithium battery wore out.
The box Comcast sent me that I never asked for had all the features you asked for.
We have a TV remote with a solar panel on the back… Turn it over and let it recharge.
My parents still have cable. The buttons are backlit, they turn on when you pick it up and turn off when you set it down. There’s also a mic button you can hold down and talk to input text by voice instead of typing on a virtual keyboard with a dpad. Not rechargeable but two AAs last for a year so why bother with a battery that eventually fails and renders the remote useless?
Even basic remotes are pretty clever now
Well, reading all the answers makes me realize that there might have been a kind of evolution when it comes to TV remotes. I just didn’t come across back lit remotes when I saw them with people in my social circle. Maybe my people just don’t have the latest TV set.
Roku has a rechargeable backlit remote with remappable buttons. It’s called something like ‘remote pro’
The Apple TV remote is rechargeable, though not backlit.
We have one like that with illuminated buttons, probably from around 2015, but it only stays on for 30 seconds or so
Do you need access to the Exit button if all the other menu and guide etc. buttons are covered?
“Smart” tvs pop things up for no reason sometimes.
Oooof, thankfully I’ve never had that happen with mine, but I’ve also never connected mine to the internet
That… is a really shitty meme that misses the point?
If you actually look at what the overlay exposes, the User still has the ability to pick specific channels, control volume, power, etc. All they really lose are the DVR (good example) and all of the user friendly stuff related to tv guides and the like (bad example).
I assume this is just AI engagement farming bullshit that someone fell for and posted to lemmy but… I would actually say it would make more sense if the overlay were almost inverted.
You also lose the ability to access the TV settings, leaving you stuck on the default settings, which is one of the reasons why most people root their phones.
2 on/off buttons?
Don’t make me tap the overlay.
One is for all, the other is just the TV. It’s probably a remote for a smart box or something, you can program some of the TVs commands on them, like on/off, input switching, etc… so you don’t have to juggle with 2 remotes in your hand.
Yes it’s for a cable box/DVR. The Spectrum logo is for Spectrum cable, the brand that resulted from the Charter Communications purchase of Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks.
Doesn’t CEC fix all of the issues requiring multiple power buttons?
On paper, but it’s pretty hit or miss IME on its implementations
I want to play switch and turn it on using a controller, CEC turns TV and switch screen is on, then the turning on TV triggers CEC that wakes up Apple TV, which in turn starts sending video over HDMI, making TV show Apple TV screen 🥴
I have no TV remote (only use it in dump mode for AppleTV which is controlled using siri remote) and turning off apple TV turns TV and Switch off.
My solution: Shortly undock switch so it’s hdmi get excited and TV switches input to Nintendo switch
It is just so wonky, lol
I have the same issue with my switch, I usually mash the button for its port on my receiver remote until the other devices give up but about 10% of the time that refuses to work and I have to redock.
If the TV supports it. I haven’t come across many in the wild that really use it, or at least situations where a TV and device both work well with the protocol.
What crack are you on? Not widely supported?
You’d be better off at listing the models and devices that don’t support CEC.
CEC is pretty amazing for any relatively modern device (console, blu ray player, etc) in a “normal” setup.
The main problems are if you are a bit of a “power user” and have a receiver or something (although I have also heard issues with soundbars) with it not always being clear what audio outputs will be used. And as consoles become more and more glorified computers you can run into issues where a simple workflow like:
- Start xbox
- Start download of big game for later
- Go back to “TV” to watch youtube
Results in the xbox shutting down and not actually downloading the game.
As a “power user” I just got a sofabaton (Just as mediocre and finicky as a Harmony but you won’t have forgotten that because your config is a decade old). but I keep telling myself that I should futz with my nvidia shield to see if I can use my receiver’s remote for everything instead.
Not everything is hooked up to that
I haven’t had more than one remote or power button for almost a decade now.
iirc, that’s the protocol that lets a connected device turn a display on via HDMI.
The left one is labeled TV. The right one is probably for the DVR.
Does the clip to remove the cover has label “sudo”?
As sudo applies only for a single command, removing the cover is more like su, no?
sudo would be more if above every covered button there was a tiny hole through which you could push it with a needle or so.
sudo -i
Yoooo, that is sick. I need it for my grandma.
What’s with the number buttons being available with no “OK” or “Enter” option?
Just enter a channel number and it will auto switch
We need a rootless linux distro
ChromeOS? And MacOS? (If UNIX is good enough)
No Linux with libre components. No having root would make a immutable distro actually immutable. You could just give permissions to daemons that the user could connect to
I need to 3d print this type of thing
Raise your hand if you own your phone!
Then say if you raised your hand because we can’t see you.