Google’s story over the last two decades has been a tale as old as time: enshittification for growth. The once-beloved startup—with its unofficial “Don’t Be Evil” motto—has instead become a major Internet monopolist, as a federal judge ruled on Monday, dominating the market for online search. Google is also well-known for its data-harvesting practices, for constantly killing off products, and for facilitating the rise of brain-cell-destroying YouTubers who make me Fear for Today’s Youth. (Maybe that last one is just me?)

Google’s rapid rise from “scrappy search engine with doodles” to “dystopic mega-corporation” has been remarkable in many ways, especially when you consider just how much goodwill the company squandered so quickly. Along the way, though, Google has achieved one unexpected result: In a divided America, it offers just about everyone something to hate.

Here are just a few of the players hating Google today.

  • 👍Maximum Derek👍
    1138 months ago

    Hopefully DeGoogleing will go a bit like the cable “Cord Cutters” did in terms of headlines over time:

    1. Is cutting cable feasible?
    2. Some are are finding solutions to lower their cable bills.
    3. Industry denies cord cutters are impacting profit.
    4. Providers cling to sports broadcasts as a way to short-circut cord cutters.
    5. Are young people the “never-cable” generation?
    6. Here’s where to watch the Olympics online.

    Of course, streaming is worse than cable now… so lets learn from that.

      8 months ago

      “streaming is worse than cable now” is it though?

      I stream for weeks on end without a single ad, watching only what I want. I go to an older person’s house and I hear the same friggin commercial jingles, the same canned studio laughter, and shows that are designed for the stupidest common denominator.

      I grew up in the era of Saturday morning cartoons. My brain was liquidified on cereal commercials. I won’t allow cable into my house under any circumstances.

      But I do agree that we should learn from too easily replacing the working with the next big thing without any regulations on how the next big thing is allowed to operate

        258 months ago

        I stream for weeks on end without a single ad

        But that’s now changing. The bottom tiers of many (most?) streaming apps include ads, and it’s not a stretch to think that they’ll include ads on the higher tiers eventually, or just increase prices until people downgrade to ad-supported tiers. Yeah, you can use an ad-blocker, but you could also use a DVR for cable that also filters out ads.

        I’m bailing on both and just buying physical media again. I hope that doesn’t die out, but I’m done with paying for subscriptions. We don’t watch a ton, so I’m probably going to save money this way.

        I wish we had a streaming equivalent of a DVR, then I might actually want streaming again.

              48 months ago

              I’m not an expert, but I’ve recently used BulkNews and Fast Usenet and I liked them both. You’ll also need an indexer, personally I like DrunkenSlug, NZBGeek and NinjaCentral, but not all of them have open signups.

      • TeoTwawki
        8 months ago

        Its worse in that to see the content I want I need MULTIPLE subscriptions that add up to more than cables cost …or I can sail the high seas once more. I’ve cancellled everything except amazon because I save enough on shipping to justify it (mostly heavy items)

    878 months ago

    We demand infinite growth. Why? Because shareholders want to buy shares and sell them later for more.

    Do anything it takes to make that transaction happen, cut people’s jobs en masse, whatever.


      318 months ago

      Stock holders demand infinite growth. If the management doesn’t make money, they put in place new management. A company is only worth the value of the next stock buyback or dividend. It’s baked into the structure of corporations, especially publicly-owned corporations.

        148 months ago

        Stock holders can sue the company if there’s a loss, too. That shouldn’t be a thing, but here we are.

        8 months ago

        *Capitalism demands infinite growth. Because the goal of Capitalism first and foremost isn’t providing a good product or upholding moral values, but making money.

      8 months ago

      Infinite growth in a closed and limited system.

      I see absolutely nothing wrong with this.


      /s for the oblivious

  • originalucifer
    688 months ago

    its a human flaw… insatiable greed.

    we distilled this greed and removed all actual responsibility creating an entity, ‘the stock market’. this well of irresponsible greed has reached a singularity… a point of no return. we are all too dependent on this terrible thing and so it cant be removed.

    the majority of us just get to suffer while being told ‘theres no other way’

    we cant have nice things because humans are just so fucking greedy and incapable of controlling that greed.

      348 months ago

      No, it’s a capitalist flaw. Capitalism is not an intrinsic trait of humanity. We can create systems that have effective self-regulation and appropriate feedback loops. It’s just that most countries, for one reason or another, haven’t really tried.

        58 months ago

        I disagree, I think it is basic human/biologic that drives us to grab up resources and hoard them to ensure survival/reproduction/future generations. Capitalism is just a vehicle in which we are capable of expressing that biological greed on a global scale.

          128 months ago

          I’d argue that capitalism is unnatural because even if we work from the assumption that resource hoarding is natural, it’s also necessary to take into account the fact that evolutionarily, humans got to where we are via traits like altruism, cooperation and forming communities. Capitalism is far from natural — it’s an insidious subversion of human nature

            8 months ago

            Cooperation and community are not altruistic. You literally can’t do 99.9999999% of the work required to build a civilization — nobody can — so cooperation benefits ME, until greed benefits ME more!

            I’m not saying that cooperation and community are not the most beneficial for humanity; just that selfishness is an evolutionary trait that stretches back hundreds of millions of years longer than community, or rearing our young.

              28 months ago

              I agree that there’s a strong incentive for even entirely self-interested people to cooperate. I was listing altruism as one of many pro-social behaviours, not as a subset or requirement for cooperation

          58 months ago

          All negative basic human instincts are like this though, but it’s greed that we allow to grow unfettered. Anger is considered socially acceptable until you go berserk and start killing people and breaking things. Lust/sex is fine, until you start humping everyone and everything you see in the street. Greed has no upper bound like these though. And it’s high time that we started imposing some sort of control to stop this growth.

      38 months ago

      we cant have nice things because humans are just so fucking greedy and incapable of controlling that greed.

      That’s not completely true though! One thing that a lot of people forget about Google is that they didn’t have to become a publicly traded for-profit company. A lot of people around 2002-2004-ish saw Google’s meteoric rise and wondered what path they were going to take. Some speculated/hoped that they would go the Wikipedia route and become a service that existed for the public good instead of a for-profit venture.

      We all know what happened after. The pursuit of profit inevitably leads all companies to becoming sociopathic and evil. They didn’t have to be this way. And this is true for lots of tech startups. I wish we had seen more of them become wikipedias instead of googles.

      It’s also worth pointing out that the original founders did want to make a company that was good and not evil. They tried to succeed by creating legitimately good products, and not screwing over their users. They did make mistakes along the way, but their intentions were at least good. The major problems started (as they usually do), when the second CEO took charge of the company, and it was evident that he had not clue whatsoever how to create a product. All Sundar Pichai knows how to do is suck as much blood as he can out of a stone. But Google’s founders are not blameless here: they were the ones that set the corporate structure up this way, and they were the ones that got bored and decided to fuck off. And they cheated on their taxes the way all corporations do, so no matter how good their intentions were, they were still pretty awful people.

      18 months ago

      The market is a fantastic concept for companies to get capital and grow.

      The problem is that it too got enshitified with day trading and derivatives.

  • Lvxferre
    428 months ago

    Despite the convenience of some of its tools, the hardcore tech set increasingly prefers tech companies like Signal or even Apple, which is currently running expensive TV ads about how other browsers (read: Google’s Chrome) spy on you.

    One important thing to be mentioned is that, while Apple is correct when highlighting that Chrome is a privacy nightmare, Apple and Google are cut from the same cloth and they’re both user-hostile when it comes to privacy, monopoly enforcement, censorship, etc. Both deserve the hate that they get. (Alongside Amazon, Facebook and Microsoft.)

    8 months ago

    Notice how Google Maps data hasn’t been improving, and if anything getting worse?

    I worked for Cognizant, a contractor for Google maps at the Bothell office. I worked for a contractor that Google would fire every 5 years, contract it to another company and change the sign on the office building they owned…then rehire everyone. One of the benefits of this for them (one of the key benefits) was it made it much harder for workers to organize especially because Cognizant and Google can just play “go talk to the other parent I cant do anything” when workers ask for help because they were suffering/needed higher pay to survive/needed basic accomodations.

    I worked for Google but Google didn’t want to pay me or my coworkers a living wage, so Google paid some lawyers to make it so they could pretend we didn’t work for Google.

    Google is a trash company with absolutely zero idea how to move forward into the future, the company was absolutely chock full of intelligent interesting smart people but Google was so shortsighted that they forced my whole department back to the office for no good reason (literally everything was remote work too).

    My experience after working for Google was that Google was most definitely going to collapse within the decade in terms of market power, at the very least in the realm of maps/spatial data.

    What a shameful, pathetic company and the management should be ashamed of how stupid and out of touch they were.

    Also, completely and utterly anti-worker.

    (Cognizant is trash too but if you have ever heard of the company Cognizant you already know that).

    A particular point of shame I want to level at the management above me at Cognizant and Google, most of our work was involved with prototyping google maps data editing and QC workflows… that could then be exported to India or somewhere else with cheap labor… except upper management was racist as fuck against Indian workers and would complain about their shoddy work indirectly all the time…

    …and never bring up that they specifically wanted to hire Indians so they could pay them shit and treat them like shit. If you were a tech worker in India would you work as hard as I did for far far far far less pay and WAY worse treatment?

    I actually led a training class on a workflow that was absolutely not suited for new workers to Google Maps gis data editing to… totally new entry level hires in India, and the Indians were frequently cheating or totally checking out… again because why the hell would they take this shit seriously? To be clear most people were like most people, they just did the best job they could, but there were lots of people I was training that could see right through the bullshit of the entire system and I can ZERO percent blame them for not disrespecting themselves by treating Google like it was genuine in its offers of employment, stability and a career.

    Management encouraged a culture where lowkey shitting on Indians for being lazy and dumb was basically accepted because it rationalized the cruelty, inefficiency and stupidity of the entire system.

    I hate Google.

      138 months ago

      You could also blame the idiots who had a chance to unionize but never did.

      If you go back 5-10 years, everyone would say, “why do we need to unionize? Working in IT is great, we don’t need to unionize!” And now see where we are today to realize how stupid of a mindset that was. I guess they don’t buy insurance for the same reason.

      I thought you had to be smart to work at Google, but seeing people take dumb positions like that made me realize that while they might have been brilliant engineers, they were definitely not very smart people.

      (I’m not holding Google blameless here by the way - fuck them hard! But Google employees had the chance and wasted it, and this is what they left behind.)

        18 months ago

        The cognizant google employees I worked with were actually VERY in support of unionizing, even more so than google employees themselves, it was a really interesting mix of people and they didn’t have their heads up their asses like normal techbro google employees who are used to everything working out and handwaving away systematic concerns.

        Multiple attempts over the years had been made to unionize, but Google always crushed them with an iron fist.

          18 months ago

          I don’t doubt you at all - I’ve seen quite a few stories of Google exhibiting retribution against employees attempting to unionize.

          The point I was trying to make (admittedly quite badly) is that Google employees should have unionized a long time ago, when they had the upper hand. At this point, it’s a much steeper uphill climb. But it is still a very worthy fight.

      28 months ago

      On the search side, i’m really impressed with kagi. They are a paid service, but you can try them out for free no strings attached.

    8 months ago

    How about “monopolizing the ad industry, going all in on manipulative engagement farming, and making billions off of destroying the internet they helped create, and possibly democracy”

    I think the headline proves most people don’t really understand how deeply Google has embedded themselves in, and farmed, well, everyone.

    • Dojan
      148 months ago

      Google hasn’t just monopolised the ad industry, but is holding the internet itself in its clutches.

      They own and control one of the biggest operating systems on the market, giving them control over peoples devices. They own and control the biggest browser engine on the market, giving them control over the internet standards; they can implement whatever the heck they want and essentially force it as a web standard. They own and control the biggest search engine on the market, giving them control over what information people can see and access.

      For a lot of people, Google controls practically the entire internet access chain, and that should terrify anyone who cares about a free and open internet.

        78 months ago

        that should terrify anyone who cares about a free and open internet.

        We’re way past that… right? They’ve already kinda destroyed the open web and are squeezing it for money.

  • kingthrillgore
    8 months ago

    For the 113th time: YES

    Google stopped being cool ages ago and Chrome marked the moment they turned evil. They no longer had an incentive to just throw money at problems, they wanted to completely drive the web ecosystem and they did. They had a browser.

    238 months ago

    I’ve started to try and move away from Google as much as possible, which I knew would be difficult, but it’s proving to be harder than I thought.

    I can’t do anything about my work stuff, because our company uses Google for email and cloud storage. I set up an account on Proton Mail for my personal email and file storage. I currently have an android phone, but I don’t like iPhones so I don’t really know what I want to do there. I switched back to Firefox after 15 years of using Chrome. I actually started using Bing search more. I’m looking into alternatives for the Chromecast that Google doesn’t seem interested in supporting anyway, which might just end up being a small PC hooked up to the TV.

    I’m just so tired of Google services either being shut down or slowly getting worse and worse until they’re nearly unusable.

    • Jackoamon
      138 months ago

      On the android front, if you don’t mind using a pixel phone then Graphene OS would be worth checking out. It’s a foss non rooted alternative to base android with a focus on privacy and security. The no root requirement means a good amount of apps like banking work properly on it. It vastly expands the app permission system and removes the special privileges to Google system apps, allowing you to remove it or limit them. It also supports sandboxing of the play store and multiple profiles so you can effectively quarantine Google requiring apps.

      • StormWalker
        28 months ago

        +1 for GrapheneOS on a Pixel. I use GrapheneOS on a Pixel 7 Pro. It’s just awesome. I will never go back. Camera is awesome too.

          • StormWalker
            28 months ago

            Yeah I’m with you there, the pixel camera app is a must for me too. What I love about GrapheneOS is how easy it is to block permissions. So with google pixel camera app, no network and no location permissions means that it cannot report back to google unless I allow it to. It’s a safe way to use the odd google app in a limited way when you need to. The other google app I use is the g-keyboard, because it is so much better in some ways. But again it is very restricted and I turned off the features I don’t want, like voice typing.

    • mrinfinity
      78 months ago

      It’s not as hard as you’d think. - This has everything you need. Definitely use Firefox. Check out Nextcloud for personal cloud/documents replacement etc. Definitely try a small PC hooked to your TV and look in to plex. Don’t use Google/Bing, stick with DuckDuckGo and if you need to, use !g or !b in your searched on ddg to get bing and google results. It’s fun exploring all the alternatives in the list.

    • StormWalker
      48 months ago

      “Brave search” seems to work good for me with Firefox. Protonmail is awesome yeah 👍🏻 There are alternatives to everything, just finding the good ones!

  • sunzu
    218 months ago

    Hate Google ain’t enough, plebs need to deny Google profit.

    That’s how you hurt a parasite.

    • cobysev
      218 months ago

      I’m currently de-Googling my life. Moving all my services over to Proton, testing other search engines, etc. Trying to slowly cut out/replace all services that Google provides me.

      Oh, and I’m sticking with Firefox with Ublock Origin, to ensure Google can’t ever advertise to me, even incidentally.

        68 months ago

        I’m not fully de-Googling, however I have been migrating things that Google does badly over to other services. Kagi for search was the latest, and admittedly hardest mentally for me to do. Not because the search engine itself isn’t fantastic (it is), but I’ve been using Google since its inception when I stopped asking Jeeves or Hotbot. Just feels weird to jump ship, but I’m so tired of how bad and enshitified their search has become that I just can’t do it anymore.

        I actually have a Proton acct already but only use the VPN. Sounds like it’s time to look further into the other offerings.

        • cobysev
          38 months ago

          AskJeeves and Hotbot! Man, that takes me back. I also enjoyed Excite and Infoseek back in the pre-Google days.

          Proton’s top tier service for individuals (Proton Unlimited) is only $7.99/month if you pay for 2 years of service. Gives you full access to all their services.

          Proton just announced last month that they’re turning the company into a nonprofit organization, because security is more important to them than making money. That’s why their services are dirt-cheap; they want to ensure it’s affordable for everyone, and the only reason they collect money at all is to keep the servers online.

        48 months ago


        I haven’t used any Google produces or services for the better part of a decade now and my life has been fine. I haven’t used Facebook or any non-forum-type social media either and my life has been BETTER!

        38 months ago

        I finally gave up on Edge with the coming ad-blocker changes. Moving back to Firefox after a decade+ was super easy, hardly a blip in my day.

        18 months ago

        I stopped using protonmail as moving thr data out and exporting / archiving old emails is nightmare. I use simple and it’s fine. I use on desktop pop3 and imap on mobile. I remove my emails automatically from servers older than 30 days

      58 months ago

      Why only deny Google? Attack them all with a blow to the stock market. The further it ticks down the more they bleed.

      • sunzu
        48 months ago

        yes, there are many ways to do this. once you ID corpo as a bad faith actor, deny them engagement/profit.

        this is the the crux of the strat. however it only works for discretionary spending category. rent, food etc is hard to avoid but there are still some choices.

        vote with that wallet folks, it is the ol’ reliable of them all

    208 months ago

    Nationalize google and turn it into a coop that is democratically controlled by worker and users. Lets us vote on their management and corporate priorities and policies.

    To hell with the shareholders! They ruin everything!

      78 months ago

      I wish there were more coops. Shareholders are almost the entire reason for the mess we find ourselves in.

    • Skvlp
      58 months ago

      At least their crawlers should be nationalised/coop/something.

  • Optional
    178 months ago

    On August 5, 2024, Trump asked his supporters to stop using Google.

    Did not know that. Well. Stopped clock, blind squirrel, etc.

    8 months ago

    Corporations: Hmm, we seem to have saturated our market. How do we make line keep go up?

    1. Diversify our products to cater to new or niche markets.
    2. Accept the status quo and focus on making our existing customers happy while integrating feedback to improve and entice people to ditch our competitors?
    3. Make everything worse because what are they gonna do, use Bing? LOL
    4. Congratulate ourselves on winning capitalism, then selling our stocks to the employees so we can go enjoy our wealth and return forever.
    5. HAHAHAHA yeah right. Time to squeeze this shit for every red cent then cash out before the stock price crashes and move in to the next victim.
  • mesamune
    168 months ago

    Whats a good google maps alternative?

    Ive had some success with OSM+ but only if I supply the end point myself. Otherwise it had a really hard time getting a place like Home Depot or a local university, etc…etc…

    • 2xsaiko
      118 months ago

      In terms of map data, as far as I know there’s pretty much only OSM, Google Maps and Apple Maps (which is getting a beta browser version)*.

      OSM map data is usually excellent, search can be very hit or miss though. You might want to try some of the apps that use OSM data like Organic Maps to see if you get better search results using that. Personally I use both Apple Maps and Organic Maps.

      * I also know of Mapquest but it’s lacking a lot of POIs and even ways from what I can see, at least in the two cities I’ve checked.

        68 months ago

        Maybe if you’re in a big city, or maybe Europe. I recently moved back to the US from Asia and found OSM data to be really bad in the small city that I come from.

        • 2xsaiko
          18 months ago

          That’s fair, when I was in the middle of nowhere in Finland a couple of years ago, the map was often very barebones, that’s also probably where I did the most edits to date. That’s kinda the downside of a community project where people usually map the area they live in or visit, when fewer people live somewhere there’s fewer people to improve the map. And yeah, I feel like OSM is more popular in Europe in general.

    • StormWalker
      38 months ago

      I use Organic Maps. But it does not YET have traffic data. So if it’s an area with traffic jams, I use Google maps. But most of the time organic maps is great