• @[email protected]
    178 months ago

    The Beastie Boys are classical music in the 23rd century, Amanda was just an ancient Earth history buff.

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      “Ancient” to us is around 750 AD. 232 years is not ancient.

      EDIT: Consulted Memory Alpha.

      • VindictiveJudge
        118 months ago

        I imagine a complete reboot of human civilization with the one-two punch of WW3 and contact with alien life would skew perspectives a bit.

      • Zagorath
        38 months ago

        “Ancient” to us is around 750 AD

        Ey? I’d say ancient ends when the western Roman Empire ends, which is 3 centuries earlier.

        I saw that Wikipedia listed the ancient period as lasting from 3000 BC – AD 750, but I’m not sure why it says that. I tried ctrl-f for “750”, as well as “75” and “74” (in case it was off by as much as a decade) and “8th” (for any time in the 8th century), and none of the results that came up seemed to support the lede’s claim.

        But while we’re nitpicking dates, it always bothers me when Trek calls 20th century music classical. Classical doesn’t just mean “old”. We don’t call mediaeval music classical today. Nor did they in Mozart’s time. The term classical music has a pretty robust mea ing in academia that is very unlikely to change, and a popular non-academic meaning which is basically the academic meaning + “anything that’s superficially kinda similar to that”. I just don’t find it believable that the 23rd century is going to be calling 20th century popular music “classical”.