• The same is not true of implementations of communism. Socialist states at their best implement systems that encourage the natural human drives for cooperation and compassion, and in the two largest cases, China and the Soviet Union, it led to the fastest gains in quality of life in history

    • TWeaK
      -171 year ago

      Socialist states at their best

      And capitalism at its best does not distort the value of everything. Yet the people problem is so endemic that the value of everything is distorted.

      • Trudge [Comrade]
        371 year ago

        Which state current or historical shows capitalism at its best in your opinion?

        The USA? Netherlands? Colonialist Britain?

        • TWeaK
          -111 year ago

          To look at its best you’d have to look at individual moments. Just like looking at the successes of communism you’d have to look at individual moments, rather than the overall state of the country now. The people problem is endemic everywhere, so instances where things haven’t been twisted are rare.

          • Trudge [Comrade]
            1 year ago

            Yes, that’s why I mentioned historic as well. Which country in which period of time would you say best exemplified capitalism at its best?

            1980s social democratic Sweden? 1990 miracle of Han South Korea? Current Singapore?

            • TWeaK
              -51 year ago

              I don’t really have an opinion of any country being the best example. You’d probably be better off looking at individual transactions to find good examples - Capitalism is all about transactions at the end of the day.

              An example of things working as they should could be found in microprocessors. ARM design almost all of the processors in our phones, but they don’t actually manufacture them. They license their IP to Qualcomm, Samsung and others who use and modify the designs to create the devices we buy. The end consumer price of the phone is definitely over-inflated, but the supply line transactions for those components work in a novel yet reasonably fair way.

              Granted, there are many more examples of things not working as they should. That’s because people fuck around and do things they shouldn’t, because it benefits them somehow. Capitalism doesn’t prevent that, but it isn’t the cause of that, people are.

              • Trudge [Comrade]
                171 year ago

                Okay, let’s talk about transactions then. You mentioned a good B2B example of a good transaction that benefits business entities that engage in it.

                Can you give me a good B2C example of a good transaction in capitalist societies that benefits consumers?

                • TWeaK
                  -21 year ago

                  Can you give me a good B2C example of a good transaction in capitalist societies that benefits consumers?

                  Selling food discounted at or around its cost price just before its about to expire. Or any situation where a reasonable price has been haggled, however this has gone out of fashion.

                  • Trudge [Comrade]
                    1 year ago

                    Alright, now we have a concrete example of a good transaction in capitalist society. It’s buying almost expired food at discounted prices. I remain unconvinced though that it is an example of a good transaction - many others and I have waited until the food is almost expired to buy them at discounted prices. The store is forced to refrigerate and carry the good until it almost expires, and I am forced to wait until the food has gone almost bad to get it. The same transaction could have happened when the food was fresh. The store would be getting the same amount of money, increase their stock rotation and I would be getting fresher food.

                    As a show of good faith to demonstrate that I’m not trying to debatebro you, let me give you an example from a socialist society. Cuba. Cuba imports frozen chicken parts from the United States (Tyson Foods, Inc.) because they determined that the US can more efficiently raise and process poultry than they can. In return, Cuba sells paintings to America as Cuba has a thriving art scene encouraged by the state. The end result is that Cubans can draw art and eat chickens for a cheaper price (labor hours) than they would if they had to raise chickens themselves. This is not a unique transaction - Cuba has been engaging in this type of trade with many countries such as the former USSR and China for almost a century for other products such as sugar which Cuba can grow more efficiently due to their climate.

                    I have to say that I remain unconvinced that the capitalist mode of trade is better for the individual. You demonstrated that it is better for businesses such as ARM, Samsung, and Qualcomm, but the benefit for you or me, individual human beings, seem lacking.

              • ShiningWing
                81 year ago

                An example of things working as they should could be found in microprocessors. ARM design almost all of the processors in our phones

                This is especially hilarious because the whole reason RISC-V has been developing rapidly is because the ARM monopoly isn’t an example of things working as they should, and companies want an alternative

                • TWeaK
                  11 year ago

                  ARM expanded upon the RISC-IV instruction set because it hadn’t been updated since 1988. RISC-V was introduced in 2015, however if ARM hadn’t been successful in the years preceeding that there’s every chance RISC would still be lying dormant.

                  You’re right that open source ISA’s are generally better, and hopefully ARM will switch to RISC-V, but that really is a separate matter to ARM’s viability under different societal systems.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        Just jumping in here to say, look up the concept of ‘commodity fetishism’. The value of everything is distorted because capitalism is commodity producing society. This is explained in the first three or four chapters of Capital Volume I.